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The mechanisms of how innate immune signaling promotes antibody response


Innate immune signaling is important not only in initiating defense against various pathogens but also in promoting adaptive immune response. Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling promotes antibody response through multiple mechanisms. Our previous work discovered that the physical form of antigens determines how B cell TLR signaling contributes to antibody response. While the antibody response to soluble protein antigen mixed with TLR ligands does not depend on B cell TLR signaling, the response to virus-like particle (VLP) containing TLR7 or TLR9 ligands strongly depends on B cell intrinsic TLR signaling. Moreover, it seems that the B cell TLR signaling could promote a strong germinal center (GC) response, but the mechanisms are unclear yet. We are studying how B cell TLR signaling is involved in GC response, and whether it also plays a role in the formation of long-lived plasma cells and memory B cells, the main components for humoral memory.

Fig1. Section from a mouse spleen. B cells were stained brown, and germinal center was stained pink. Blue counter-staining shows T cell zone

Fig2. Diagram of a virus like particle (VLP). VLP exhibits repetitive surface epitopes. Some VLPs can also be loaded with different types of TLR ligands inside the particle 


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