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现在位置:金沙集团1862cc感染与免疫重点实验室 > 组织的学术报告


序号     来访人  来访人单位    日期  报告题目
James C. Alwine  University of Pennsylvania   2014.5.26   Coordination of Cellular Stress, Signaling and Metabolic Pathways by Human Cytomegalovirus 
Patrick S. Moore  University of Pittsburgh   2014.7.24    Old Cancers and New Viruses 
Andreas Strasser Austrilia, Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Institute    2014.10.9 How does the tumour suppressor p53 protect us from developing cancer?
Marian B. Carlson  Columbia University  2014.8.12    Simons Foundation Life Sciences Programs 
Stephen P. Goff Columbia University  2014.8.12    Stable Microtubules & HIV-1 Trafficking 
6 Dingding An Harvard Medical School   2014.9.26   The Microbiome Regulates the Homeostasis of the Host Immune System
De-Min WANG  Blood Center of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, US  2014.07.18    Signal regulation of B-cell lymphopoiesis 
Stephen P. Goff  Columbia University 2014.08.12   Stable Microtubules and HIV-1 Trafficking  
Lishan Su UNC at Chapel Hill  2014.08.12    Distinctive Roles of Treg Cells in HIV-1 Infection, Immuno-Pathogenesis & HIV-1 Reservoir Maintenance
10  Paul Hertzog Monash University   2014.08.12   Why do we have so many type I IFNs? Functional Redundancy or specific actions in immunity
11  Genhong Cheng UCLA  2014.08.12    The structural and functional basis of Type I interferon response to viral infection
12  Wenwei Tu  University of Hong Kong  2014.08.12   From Bench to Bedside: Applications of Humanized Mice in the Research of Infection and Immunology  
13  Xiaojing Ma 

Shanghai Jiaotong University 

2014.08.12   Crosstalk between TLR4- and NOD2-mediated signaling in intestinal mucosal defense and homeostasis 
14  Liang Tong 

Columbia University

2014.08.12    Molecular basis for the function of Roquin in mRNA decay and autoimmunity 


Sameer Dixit  Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal  2014.08.12    Advances in major Infectious Diseases research in Nepal: challenges and opportunities 

Yongjun Liu 

AstraZeneca  2014.08.12    Translating Dendritic Cell Biology into Medicine