  • Xiaojun Huang


Personal Profile


  1999-2003 Bachelor, biology science major, Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Guangzhou, China;

  2003-2005 Master, biophysics major, Sun Yat-Sen Univ., Guangzhou, China;

  2006-2012 Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences major, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York, USA;

  2012-now engineer, Center for Biological Imaging, Core Facilities for Protein Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

  Research Interests:

  Cryo-electron microscopy and three dimensional reconstruction techniques

  Selected Publications

  (1)Xiaojun Huang#; Lei Zhang#; Zuoling Wen; Hui Chen; Shuoguo Li; Gang Ji; Chang-cheng Yin; Fei Sun*; Amorphous nickel titanium alloy film: A new choice for cryo electron microscopy sample preparation, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology,2020, 156: 3-13.

  (2)Chunling Wu#; Xiaojun Huang#; Jing Cheng; Dongjie Zhu; Xinzheng Zhang*; High-quality, high-throughput cryo-electron microscopy data collection via beam tilt and astigmatism-free beam-image shift, Journal of Structural Biology,2019, 208(3): 107396.

  (3)Shuoguo Li#; Gang Ji#*; Yang Shi; Lasse Hyldgaard Klausen; Tongxin Niu; Shengliu Wang; Xiaojun Huang; Wei Ding; Xiang Zhang; Mingdong Dong; Wei Xu; Fei Sun*; High-vacuum optical platform for cryo-CLEM (HOPE): A new solution for non-integrated multiscale correlative light and electron microscopy, Journal of Structural Biology,2018, 201(1): 63-75.

  (4)Shengliu Wang#; Shuoguo Li; Gang Ji; Xiaojun Huang; Fei Sun*; Using integrated correlative cryo-light and electron microscopy to directly observe syntaphilin-immobilized neuronal mitochondria in situ, Biophysics Reports,2017, 3(1-3): 8-16.

  (5)Jianguo Zhang#; Gang Ji; Xiaojun Huang; Wei Xu; Fei Sun*; An improved cryo-FIB method for fabrication of frozen hydrated lamella, Journal of Structural Biology,2016, 194(2): 218-223.

Contact Us

  • Address: No 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • TEL:010-64889872