  • Xing Jia


Personal Profile


  2008.09-2012.07,B.Sc. Biotechnology, Harbin Institute of Technology.

  2012.09-2017.07,Ph.D. Cell biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  2017.07-2020.01,Post-doc. Biophysics, Center for Biological Imaging, Core Facilities for Protein Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  2020.01- , Engineer. Center for Biological Imaging, Core Facilities for Protein Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

  Research Interests

  Correlation of Light and Electron Microscopy

  Awards and Honors

  PhD National Scholarship

  Merit Student of Chinese Academy of Sciences


  1. Jia X, Sun F, Ji G*. Advances in Cryo-focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy Imaging Technology. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2022, 57(1): 24-29.

  2. Jia X. Discussion on Technical Problems Using Cryo-Focused Ion Beam for Cryo-Lamellae Preparation. Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments, 2020, 26(3): 187-191.

  3. Jia X, Shen S, Lv Y, Zhang Z, Guo H, Deng H*.2016. Tegument Protein ORF45 Plays an Essential Role in Virion Morphogenesis of Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68. J Virol. 2016 Jul 27;90(16):7587-92.

  4. Shen S, Jia X, Guo H, Deng H*. 2015. Gammaherpesvirus tegument protein ORF33 is associated with intranuclear capsids at an early stage of tegumentation process. J Virol. 2015 May 15;89(10):5288-97.

  5. Lv Y, Shen S, Xiang L, Jia X, Hou Y, Wang D, Deng H*. Functional identification and characterization of the nuclear egress complex of a gammaherpesvirus J Virol. 2019. 26;93(24):e01422-19.



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