  • Xixia Li


Personal Profile

  Personal Profile


  2001.9-2005.6 Bachelor, Bioengineering, Beijing Technology and Business University,

  2006.9-2009.6 Master, Biochemistry and molecular biology, Shanxi Medical University

  2009.9-2014.1 Ph.D. Developmental Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2014.8-2016.7 Post-doc. Biophysics, Center for Biological Imaging, Core Facilities for Protein Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2016.8-now Senior Engineer, Center for Biological Imaging, Core Facilities for Protein Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Research Interests:

  Electron microscope sample preparation and imaging, large scale three-dimensional reconstruction techniques of biological samples

  Selected Publications

  1. Li XX, Ji G, Chen X, Ding W, Sun L, Xu W, Han H, Sun F. Large scale three-dimensional reconstruction of an entire Caenorhabditis elegans larva using AutoCUTS-SEM. J Struct Biol. 2017, 200(2):87-96.

  2. Larsen NY, Li X, Tan X, Ji G, Lin J, Rajkowska G, M?ller J, Vihrs N, Sporring J, Sun F, Nyengaard JR. Cellular 3D-reconstruction and analysis in the human cerebral cortex using automatic serial sections. Commun Biol. 2021, 4(1):1030.

  3. Xie K, Liu Y, Li X, Zhang H, Zhang S, Mak HY, Liu P. Dietary S. maltophilia induces supersized lipid droplets by enhancing lipogenesis and ER-LD contacts in C. elegans. Gut Microbes. 2022 ;14(1):2013762.

  4.Shen W, Ma L, Zhang X, Li X, Zhao Y, Jing Y, Feng Y, Tan X, Sun F, Lin J. Three-dimensional reconstruction of Picea wilsonii Mast. pollen grains using automated electron microscopy. Sci China Life Sc. 2020,63(2):171-179.

  5. Liu XZ, GuoXY, Niu LL, Li XX, Sun F, Hu JJ, Wang XX, and Shen K. Atlastin-1 regulates morphology and function of endoplasmic reticulum in dendrites. Nat Commun. 2019; 10: 568.

Contact Us

  • Address: No 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • TEL:010-64889872