  • Lei Sun


Personal Profile


  July 2005, graduated from Shandong University, Master of Science.

  July 2005- , work at Center for Biological Imaging, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Assistant Engineer, Engineer, Senior Engineer

  Research Interests:

  Cell 3D reconstruction, Cryo-ET, Cryo-FIB, EM-sample preparation

  Selected Publications

  Zhang JG, Zhang DY, Sun L, Ji G, Huang XJ, Niu TX, Xu JS, Ma CY, Zhu Y, Gao N, Xu W, Sun F. (2021) VHUT-cryo-FIB, a method to fabricate frozen hydrated lamellae from tissue specimens for in situ cryo-electron tomography. J Struct Biol.213(3):107763.

  Ding J, Zhao J, Sun L, Mi Z, Cen S. (2016) Citron kinase enhances ubiquitination of HIV-1 Gag protein and intracellular HIV-1 budding. Arch Virol.161(9):2441-8.

  Huang XH, Sun L, Ji SX, Zhao T, Zhang WR, Xu JJ, Zhang J, Wang YR, Wang XH, Armstrong CF, Zheng M, Cheng HP. (2013). Kissing and nanotunneling mediate intermitochondrial communication in the heart. PNAS 110(8):2846-51.

  Hu JZ, Sun L, Shen FF, Chen YF, Hua Y, Liu Y, Zhang M, Hu YR, Wang QS, Xu W, Sun F, Ji JG, Murray, J.M., Carr, A.M., Kong DC. (2012)The Intra-S Phase Checkpoint Targets Dna2 to Prevent Stalled Replication Forks from Reversing. Cell 149(6), 1221–32.

Contact Us

  • Address: No 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • TEL:010-64889872