  • Yanxia Jia


Personal Profile


  2001 School of Life Science,Lanzhou University, Bachelor’s Degree

  2004 School of Life Science,Lanzhou University, Master’s Degree

  2008 Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, Doctor’s Degree (Ph.D.)

  2009-2015 Engineer, Core Facility for Protein Research, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2016-present Senior engineer, Core Facility for Protein Research, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2016.8-2017.7 Visiting Scholar, University of Southern California,USA

  2017.8-2018.2 Visiting Scholar, Wadsworth Center, NY State Department of Health,USA


  Techniques related to Atomic Force Microscopy and TEM sample preparation. Project: National Sciences Foundation of China 31000341: Study of the initiation events in DNA mismatch repair.

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  • TEL:010-64889872