生物物理研究所感染免疫中心唐宏研究员和FYX教授近期在2009年月1月刊的《Trends in Immunology》杂志上以《Do adaptive immune cells suppress or activate innate immunity?》为题,系统阐述了他们近来提出的“天然免疫反应需要T细胞参与” 的新理论与新概念,文章发表仅2周,已排在该刊Most Read Article的第六名。
经典的免疫学理论认为天然免疫反应启动获得性免疫,而获得性免疫随后进一步放大天然免疫效应,二者的合作与平衡才能清除入侵病原,起到免疫保护的作用。该实验室近期的研究结果表明(原文见Nature Medicine, 2007;评述见Nature Medicine, 2007; Nature Reviews in Immunology, 2007; Nature China, 2008),原先关于区分天然免疫和获得性免疫的界限可能并不那么清楚,T细胞其实也参与天然免疫反应并维持其稳态。经典理论认为天然免疫和获得性免疫反应的双重低下是早产儿容易死于急性感染的主要原因。该实验室的研究发现,实际上,在感染早期获得性免疫细胞对于天然免疫反应具有负调控的作用,从而有效的将天然免疫反应的强度控制在一定的水平内而不至对机体造成免疫损伤。新生鼠或早产儿由于获得性免疫低下,天然免疫炎性反应无法得到有效控制,这种“炎性因子风暴”才是致死原因。因此,获得性免疫一方面抑制感染早期的炎症反应,另一方面在感染后期行使病原特异性清除功能,两者缺一不可。
Figure 1. Negative regulation of early innate immune responses by conventional T cells and Treg cells. Pathogens directly stimulate macrophages and DCs through TLR engagement. At the later phase of immune activation, these DC and macrophages prime other innate cells, such as NK cells, to amplify cytokine production. NK cells in turn further activate macrophages to produce more TNFa and other inflammatory cytokines with the potential to cause immunopathology. T cell–APC (i.e. macrophage or DC) interaction via MHC and/or other membrane ligands or receptors dampens the inflammatory innate response during pathogen clearance. Na?¨ve T cells, Treg cells and B1 cells contribute to the inhibition of innate cells by means of, as yet, poorly defined mechanisms but probably involving both cytokines (TGF-b and IL-10) cell–cell interactions (e.g. BTLA–HVEM).