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徐涛  院士 研究员 博士生导师  




电       话:010-64888524



简       历:

1988 - 1992  华中科技大学生物医学工程,学士

1992 - 1996  华中科技大学生物医学工程,博士

1996 - 1999  德国马克思-普朗克生物物理化学研究所,博士后

1999 - 2000  华盛顿大学生理与生物物理系,Senior Fellow

2000 - 2003  华中科技大学生命科学学院,教授

2003 - 至今  金沙集团1862cc,研究员

2007 - 至今  金沙集团1862cc大学,教授

2007 - 2017  金沙集团1862cc,所长

2017 - 2021  金沙集团1862cc大学,副校长

2018 - 2021  金沙集团1862cc前沿科学与教育局,局长

2018 - 至今  金沙集团1862cc生物大分子国家重点实验室,主任

2019 - 至今  生物岛实验室,主任

2021 - 至今  广州实验室,常务副主任


2020年    全国先进工作者

2020年    第二届全国创新争先奖

2015年    第八届“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”

2012年    金沙集团1862cc优秀导师奖

2012年9月 何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖

2008年    国家自然科学奖二等奖

2007年    第三世界科学院(TWAS)青年会士(Young Affiliate)

2006年    第十届中国青年五四奖章

2003年    新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选

2001/2002年 美国李氏基金杰出成就奖

2000年    教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授

2000年    国家杰出青年基金



1. 聚焦超分辨冷冻光学与电子显微成像前沿新技术的发展,在纳米尺度研究细胞中的细胞器和相关蛋白的原位结构与功能;

2. 利用多组学技术,整合临床表型、基因型和表达谱等多维度组学数据,从健康与疾病人群、组织、细胞和分子层面剖析疾病相关因素,深入探索常见疾病比如糖尿病和呼吸系统相关疾病的病因学和精准诊疗研究;

3. 专注于开发超灵敏的基于微小细胞外囊泡-外泌体的下一代检测技术,开展便捷和无创的疾病早期诊断和动态监测。



1. Zhuo Ma, Xiaofei Zhang, Wen Zhong, Hongyan Yi, Xiaowei Chen, Yinsuo Zhao, Yanlin Ma*, Eli Song*, Tao Xu*. Deciphering early human pancreas development at the single-cell level. Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 5354.

2. Weixing Li, Jing Lu, Ke Xiao, Maoge Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Xiang Zhang, Zhixun Li, Lusheng Gu, Xiaojun Xu, Qiang Guo*, Tao Xu*, Wei Ji*.Integrated multimodality microscope for accurate and efficient target-guided cryo-lamellae preparation. Nature Methods 2023 Feb;20(2):268-275.

3. Wanyan Wu, Shihang Luo, Chunyan Fan, Tianjie Yang, Shuwen Zhang, Wenxiang Meng, Tao Xu*, Wei Ji*, Lusheng*. Tetra-color superresolution microscopy based on excitation spectral demixing. Light: Science & Applications 2023, 12(1):9

4. Huaxia Luo, Peng Zhang, Wanyu Zhang, Yu Zheng, Di Hao, Yirong Shi, Yiwei Niu, Tingrui Song, Yanyan Li, Shilei Zhao, Hua Chen*, Tao Xu*, Shunmin He*. Recent positive selection signatures reveal phenotypic evolution in the Han Chinese population. Science Bulletin 2023, 68(20), 2391-2404.

5. Yirong Shi, Yiwei Niu, Peng Zhang, Huaxia Luo, Shuai Liu, Sijia Zhang, Jiajia Wang, Yanyan Li, Xinyue Liu, Tingrui Song, Tao Xu*, Shunmin He*. Characterization of genome-wide STR variation in 6487 human genomes. Nature Communications 2023, 14(1): 2092.

6. Liqing Liu, Shuxin Yang, Yang Liu, Xixia Li, Junjie Hu*, Li Xiao* and Tao Xu*, DeepContact: High-throughput quantification of membrane contact sites based on electron microscopy imaging. Journal of Cell Biology 2022, 221(9): e2021061900.

7. Min Li, Fengping Feng, Han Feng, Pengkai Hu, Yanhong Xue, Tao Xu*, Eli Song*, VAMP4 regulates insulin levels by targeting secretory granules to lysosomes. Journal of Cell Biology 2022, 221(10):e202110164.

8. Wang, L.;  Liu, H.;  Zhang, X.;  Song, E.;  Wang, Y.;  Xu, T.*; Li, Z.*, WFS1 functions in ER export of vesicular cargo proteins in pancreatic β-cells. Nature communications 2021, 12 (1), 6996.

9. Lusheng Gu, Yuanyuan Li, Shuwen Zhang, Maoge Zhou, Yanhong Xue, Weixing Li, Tao Xu* and Wei Ji*, Molecular-scale axial localization by repetitive optical selective exposure, Nature Methods 2021, 18: 369-373.

10. Zhifei Fu, Dingming Peng, Mingshu Zhang*, Fudong Xue, Rui Zhang, Wenting He, Tao Xu* and Pingyong Xu*, mEosEM withstands osmium staining and Epon embedding for super-resolution CLEM, Nature Methods 2020,17:(55-58).

11. Mingshu Zhang, Zhifei Fu, Changqing Li, Anyuan Liu, Dingming Peng, Fudong Xue,  Wenting He, Shan Gao, Fan Xu, Dan Xu, Ling Yuan, Fa Zhang, Zhiheng Xu, Tao Xu*,  Pingyong Xu*, Fast super-resolution imaging technique and immediate early nanostructure capturing by a photo-convertible fluorescent protein, Nano Letters 2020, 20(4): 2197-2208.

12. Lusheng Gu, Yuanyuan Li, Shuwen Zhang, Yanhong Xue, Weixing Li, Dong Li, Tao Xu*, Wei Ji*, Molecular resolution imaging by repetitive optical selective exposure (ROSE), Nature Methods 2019,16(11):1114-1118

13. Wenjuan Zou, Jiajun Fu, Haining Zhang, Kang Du, Wenming Huang, Junwei Yu, Shitian Li, Yuedan Fan, Howard A. Baylis, Shangbang Gao, Rui Xiao, Wei Ji*, Lijun Kang* and Tao Xu*. Decoding the intensity of sensory input by two glutamate receptors in one C. elegans interneuron. Nature Communications 2018, 9:4311.

14. Zonghong Li, Maoge Zhou, Zhaokui Cai, Wen Zhong, Qiang Hao, Dongwan Chen, Xihao Hu, Junjie Hou, Pingyong Xu, Yuanchao Xue, Yifa Zhou, Tao Xu*. RNA binding protein DDX1 is responsible for fatty acid mediated repression of insulin translation. Nucleic Acids Research 2018. 1-16.  
