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陈霖  院士 研究员 博士生导师  




电       话:010-64888565



简       历:


  2003年金沙集团1862cc院士,2009年发展中国家科学院院士。2011年创立中国认知科学学会任理事长。2019年中国医学科学院学部委员。1998年 "973" 计划实施以来连续任多项"973"项目首席科学家。曾任基金委重大项目、创新群体、重大研究计划负责人。2004年获香港求是科技基金会"杰出科学家奖"。


  陈霖1982年以唯一作者在Science发表论文,提出"大范围首先"的拓扑性质知觉理论,就"什么是认知基本单元"的基本问题,向半个多世纪以来世界上占统治地位的"局部首先"的理论路线提出挑战。四十年来全面系统地发展了"大范围首先"的认知基本单元的拓扑学模型 [e.g., Chen, Science, 1982; Zhuo et al., Science, 2003; Chen et al., PNAS, 2003; Chen, Visual Cognition (target article in the special issue), 2005; Wang et al., PNAS, 2007; Zhou et al., PNAS, 2010; He et al., PNAS, 2015; 陈霖,《金沙集团1862cc院刊》,2018]。








1. Huanjun Xi, Ruijie Wu, Bo Wang, Lin Chen. (2020) Topological difference between target and flankers alleviates crowding effect. Journal of Vision, 20(9), 9, 1-12.

2. Bo Wang, Tiangang Zhou,Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen, Yan Huang. (2020) Subcortical magnocellular visual system facilities object recognition by processing topological property. BioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.04.894725.

3. Xueru Liu, Rui Tian, Zhentao Zuo, Hui Zhao, Liang Wu, Yan Zhuo, Yong Q. Zhang, Lin Chen. (2020) A high-resolution MRI brain template for adult Beagle. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 68,148-157.

4. Jia-Wei Wang, Fei Cong, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen, Bo Wang, Yu-Qing Zhang. (2019) 7.0T ultrahigh-field MRI directly visualized the pedunculopontine nucleus in Parkinson's disease patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo), 74, e573.

5. Junjun Zhang, Jingting Wu, Xieyi Liu, Zhenlan Jin, Ling Li,Lin Chen. (2019) Hole superiority effect with 3D figures formed by binocular disparity. Journal of Vision, 19, 2.

6. Qianli Meng, Bo Wang, Ding Cui, Ning Liu,Yan Huang, Lin Chen, Yuanye Ma. (2019) Age-related changes in local and global visual perception. Journal of Vision, 19, 10.

7. Ning Wei, Tiangang Zhou, Zihao Zhang, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen. (2019) Visual working memory representation as a topological defined perceptual object. Journal of Vision, 19, 12.

8. 陈霖。(2018) 新一代人工智能的核心基础科学问题:认知和计算的关系。金沙集团1862cc院刊,智库观点,10。

9. Ning Wei, Tiangang Zhou, Lin Chen. (2018) Objective measurement of gestalts: Quantifying grouping effect by tilt aftereffect. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 963-971.

10. Kaibao Sun, Jianfei Cui, Bo Wang, Tao Jiang, Zhongwei Chen, Fei Cong, Yan Zhuo, Shuli Liang, Rong Xue, Xinguang Yu, Lin Chen. (2018) Magnetic resonance imaging of tuberous sclerosis complex with or without epilepsy at 7 T. Neuroradiology, 60,785-794.

11. Xianchang Zhang, Hewei Cheng, Zhentao Zuo, Ke Zhou, Fei Cong, Bo Wang, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen, Rong Xue, Yong Fan. (2018) Individualized functional parcellation of the human amygdala using a Semi-supervised clustering method: A 7T resting state fMRI study. Front. Neurosci., 12,270.

12. Qianli Meng, Yan Huang, Ding Cui, Lixia He, Lin Chen, Yuanye Ma, Xudong Zhao. (2018) The dissociations of visual processing of "hole" and "no‐hole" stimuli: An functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain and behavior, 8, e00979.

13. Yan Huang, Lixia He, Wenbo Wang, Qianli Meng, Tiangang Zhou, Lin Chen.(2018) What determines the object-level visual masking: The bottom-up role of topological change. Journal of Vision, 18, 3-3.

14. LinqingZhou, Zhentao Zuo, Wang, J., Fu, T., Lin Chen. (2017) Abnormal attentive tracking in children with intermittent exotropia. Progress in Biochemistry & Biophysics, 44, 407-413.

15. Zhongwei Chen, Rong Xue, Peng Zhang, Kaibao Sun, Zhentao Zuo, Jing An,Jing Chen, Sheng He, Lin Chen, Danny J.J. Wang. (2016) Multi-phase passband balanced SSFP fMRI with 50 ms sampling rateat 7 Tesla enables high precision in resolving 100 ms neuronal events. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 35, 20-28.

16. Qin Dongdong, Rizak Joshua, Chu Xunxun, Li Zhifei, Yang Shangchuan, Lu Longbao, Yang Lichuan, Yang Qing, Yang Bo, Pan Lei, Yin Yong, Chen Lin, Feng Xiaoli, Hu Xintian.(2015) A spontaneous depressive pattern in adult female rhesus macaques. Scientific Reports, 5(1), 11267.

17. Qin Dongdong, Rizak Joshua, Feng Xiaoli, Yang Shangchuan, Yang Lichuan, Fan Xiaona, Lue Longbao, Chen Lin, Hu Xintian.(2015) Cortisol responses to chronic stress in adult macaques: Moderation by a polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene. Behavioural Brain Research, 278,280-285.

18. Dongdong Qin, Xunxun Chu, Xiaoli Feng, Zhifei Li, Shangchuan Yang, Longbao Lv, Qing Yang, Lei Pan, Yong Yin, Jiali Li, Lin Xu, Lin Chen, Xintioan Hu. (2015) The first observation of seasonal affective disorder symptoms in rhesus macaque. Behavioural Brain Research, 292, 463-469.

19. Dongdong Qin, Joshua Rizak,Xiaoli Feng, Shangchuan Yang, Lichuan Yang, Xiaona Fan, Longbao Lv, Lin Chen, Xintian Hu. (2015) Cortisol responses to chronic stress in adult macaques: moderation by a polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene. Behavioural Brain Research, 278, 280-285.

20. Dongdong Qin, Joshua Rizak, Xunxun Chu, Zhifei Li, Shangchuan Yang, Longbao Lv, Lichuan Yang, Qing Yang, Bo Yang, Lei Pan, Yong Yin, Lin Chen, Xiaoli Feng, Xintian Hu. (2015) A spontaneous depressive pattern in adult female rhesus macaques. Scientific Reports, 5, 11267.

21. Yan Huang, Lin Chen, Huan Luo.(2015) Behavioral oscillation in priming: competing perceptual predictions conveyed in alternating theta-band rhythms. J Neurosci, 35, 2830-2837.

22. Lixia He, Ke Zhou, Tiangang Zhou, Sheng He, Lin Chen.(2015) Topology-defined units in numerosity perception. PNAS, E5648-E5655.

23. Kun Song, Ming Meng, Lin Chen, Ke Zhou, Huan Luo. (2014) Behavioral oscillations in attention: rhythmic α pulses mediated through θ band. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 4837-4844.

24. Guihua Wen, Jia Wei, Jiabing Wang, Tiangang Zhou, Lin Chen.(2013) Cognitive gravitation model for classification on small noisy data. Neurocomputing, 118,245-252.

25. Lixia He, Zhentao Zuo, Lin Chen, Glyn Humphreys. (2013) Effects of number magnitude and notation at 7T: separation the neural response to small and large, symbolic and nonsymbolic number. Cerebral Cortex, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht074.

26. Wenli Qian, Qianli Meng, Lin Chen, Ke Zhou. (2012) Emotional modulation of the attentional blink is awareness-dependent. PLoS ONE, 7, e46394.

27. Qianli Meng, Ding Cui, Ke Zhou, Lin Chen, Yuanye Ma.(2012) Advantage of holes stimulus in rivalry competition. PLoS ONE, 7, e33053.

28. Xiaoming Du, Lin Chen, Ke Zhou. (2012) The role of the left posterior parietal lobule in top-down modulation on space-based attention: A transcranial magetic stimulation study. Human Brain Mapping, 33, 2477-2486.

29. 祁光蕊,陈楠,郭玉林, 朱凯, 龚瑞, 李坤成, 王星, 陈霖。(2011)人大脑岛叶的影像解剖。解剖学报, 3, 429-431.

30. Peng Cai, Xiaoying Yang, Lin Chen, Yi Jiang. (2011) Motion speed modulates walking direction discrimination: The role of the feet in biological motion perception. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 2025-2030.

31. Ping Ren, Nicholls MER, Yuanye Ma, Lin Chen. (2011) Size Matters: Non-Numerical magnitude affects the spatial coding of response. PLoS ONE, 6, e23553.

32. Yan Huang, Tiangang Zhou, Lin Chen. (2011) The precedence of topological change over top-down attention in masked priming. Journal of Vision, 11, 9, 1-10.

33. Lihai Tan, Lin Chen, Virginia Yip, Alice H.D. Chan, Jing Yang, Jiahong Gao, Waiting Siok.(2011) Activity levels in the left hemisphere caudate-fusiform circuit predict how well a second language will be learned. PNAS, 108, 2540-2544.

34. 祁光蕊,陈楠,郭玉林,龚瑞, 来彦博, 赵丹, 李坤成, 王星, 陈霖,朱力,王晓东,金国宏。(2010)中国汉族成人岛叶MRI 测量在临床中的应用价值。临床放射学杂志,9,1165-1167。

35. 李长英, 陈楠, 王星, 石林平, 张扬, 卓彦, 陈霖,王健,李坤成。(2010)中国汉族正常成人视束的高分辨率MRI 测量。中华放射学杂志, 6,600-604。

36. 齐燕, 陈楠, 王星, 杨方, 张莉, 彭光明, 卓彦, 陈霖,欧陕兴,李坤成。(2010) 高分辨率MR 测量国人正常成年男性视神经长度。中国医学影像技术,5,840-843。

37. 潘克梫, 陈楠, 王星, 李坤成, 卓彦, 陈霖。(2010) 1000 名中国正常成人杏仁核体积高分辨力MRI 测量。中国医学影像技术, 26,1615-1619。

38. 张勇, 陈楠, 王星, 卓彦, 陈霖, 李坤成。(2010) 中国汉族正常成人海马体积的高分辨率MRI 测量。中华放射学杂志,44,571-574。

39. Ke Zhou, Huan Luo, Tiangang Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen.(2010) Topological change disturbs object continuity in attentive tracking. PNAS, 107, 21920-21924.

40. Rui Ni, Lin Chen, George J. Andersen.(2010) Visual constraints for the perception of quantitative depth from temporal interocular unmatched features. Vision Research, 50, 1571-1580.

41. Lixia He, Jun Zhang, Tiangang Zhou, Lin Chen. (2009) Connectedness affects dot numerosity judgment implications for configural processing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 509-517.

42. Wai Ting Siok, Paul Kay, William S. Y. Wang, Alice H. D. Chan, Lin Chen, Kang-Kwong Luke, Lihai Tan. (2009) Language regions of brain are operative in color perception. PNAS, 106, 8140-8145.

43. 张岩,王硕,卓彦,杨明琪, 赵元立, 张东, 王蝾, 徐珑, 王波, 陈霖,赵继宗。(2008) 功能磁共振与神经导航融合定位和保护脑功能应用研究。中华医学杂志,88, 2-6。

44. Xun He, Glyn Humphreys, Silu Fan, Lin Chen, Shihui Han. (2008) Differntiating spatial and object-based effects on attention: An event-related brain potential study with peripheral cueing. Brain Research, 1245, 116-125.

45. 陈霖。(2008) "大范围优先"对象形成的神经关联:前颞叶。生命科学,20, 718-721。

46. Dongming Zhou, Yuanye Ma, Ning Liu, Lin Chen, Min He, Yingda Miao.(2008) Influence of physical parameters of sound on the sensory gating effects of N40 in rats. Neuroscience Letters, 432, 100-104.

47. Yongchun Cai, Tiangang Zhou, Lin Chen.(2008) Effects of binocular suppression on surround suppression. Journal of Vision, 8, 9, 1-10.

48. Tiangang Zhou, Jun Zhang, Lin Chen. (2008) Neural correlation of "Global-first" topological perception: Anterior temporal lobe. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2, 309.

49. Bo Wang, Tiangang Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen. (2007) Global Topological Dominance in the Left Hemisphere. PNAS, 104, 21014-21019.

50. Peng Wang, Sheng He, Si Lu Fan, Zuxiang Liu, Lin Chen. (2006) Perceptual asynchrony: motion leads color. Neuroreport, 17, 1159-1163.

51. Huafu Chen, Hong Yuan, Dezhong Yao, Lin Chen, Wufan Chen. (2006) An Integrated neighborhood Correlation and hierarchical Clustering Approach of Functional MRI. IEEE Transcactions on biomedical engineering, 53, 452-458.

52. Lijun Qiu, Dezhong Yao, Shimin Fu, Lin Chen. (2006) The mechanism of involuntary visual spatial attention revealed by a new linear computation model. Brain Topography, 18, 249-256.

53. Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Wufan Chen, Lin Chen. (2005) Delay Correlation Subspace Decomposition Algorithm and Its Application in fMRI. IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging, 24.

54. Lin Chen. (2005) Author's Response: Where to Begin? Visual Cognition, 12, 691-701.

55. Lin Chen. (2005) The topological approach to perceptual organization. Visual Cognition, 12, 553-637, 2005.

56. Xun He, Silu Fan, Ke Zhou, Lin Chen. (2004) Cue Validity and Object-Based Attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 1085-1097.

57. Yiran Zhai, Dezhong Yao, Silu Fan, Xinyu Ao, Lin Chen. (2003) Effects of reference electrode on event-related potentials of visual spatial selective attention. Acta Biophysica Sinica, 19, 30-34 .

58. Shimin Fu, Silu Fan, Lin Chen. (2003) Event-related potentials reveal involuntary processing of orientation change in the visual modality. Psychophysiology, 40, 770-775.

59. Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen.(2003) Analysis of fMRI data by Blind Separation of Data in a Tiny Spatial Domain into Independent Temporal Component. Brain Topography, 15, 223-232.

60. Yulong Ding, Yan Song, Silu Fan, Lin Chen. (2003) Neural Correlates of Visual Perceptual Learning in Humans in Dexed By Event-related Potential. Neuroscience Research Communicatios, 32, 1-9.

61. Hengyi Rao, Tiangang Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Silu Fan, Lin Chen.(2003) Spatiotemporal Activation of the Two Visual Pathways in Form Discrimination and Spatial Location: A Brain Mapping Study. Human Brain Mapping, 18, 79-89.

62. Lin Chen, Shaowu Zhang, Mandyam V. Srinvasan. (2003) Global perception in small brain: Topological pattern recognition in honey bees. Proceedings of National American Science, 100, 6884-6889.

63. Yan Zhuo, TianGang Zhou, Hengyi Rao, Lin Chen. (2003) Contributions of the Visual Ventral Pathway to Long-Range Apparent Motion. Science, 299, 417-420.

64. 陈华富,尧德中, S Becker, 卓彦, 陈霖。(2002)一种新的fMRI 数据处理方法: 邻域独立成分相关法及其初步应用。中国科学,32,685-692。

65. 陈华富,尧德中, 周可, 周天罡, 卓彦, 陈霖。(2002) 一种基于独立成分分析的功能磁共振数据处理方法。生物医学工程学杂志, 19, 64-66。

66. 陈华富, 尧得中,周可, 周天罡,卓彦,陈霖。(2002) 一种基于独立成分分析的功能磁共振数据处理方法。生物医学工程学杂志,19, 64-66。

67. 尧得中,傅世敏,饶妮妮,周映春,范思陆,陈霖。(2002) 脑电逆问题多信号分类算法的计算机仿真研究。中国生物医学工程学报,21, 53-58。

68. Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Becker Sue, Yan Zhuo, Min Zeng, Lin Chen. (2002) A new method for fMRI data processing: Neihborhood independent component correlation algorithm and its preliminary application. Science in China(Series F), 45, 373-382.

69. Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Lin Chen. (2002) A new method for detecting brain activities from fMRI dataset. Neurocomputing, 48, 1047-1052.

70. Yan Song, Yulong Ding, Silu Fan, Lin Chen. (2002) An ERP study on visual perceptual learning under short- and long-term training conditions. Neuroreport, 13, 2053-2057.

71. Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Min Zeng, Zuxiang Liu, Yan Zhuo, Silu Fan, Lin Chen.(2001)Detecting cortical activities from fMRI data using delay MUSIC. Proceedings of the third international conference on cognitive science (ICCS), 70.

72. 尧德中,周映春,范思陆,陈霖,敖新宇。(2001)多维延时相关MUSIC方法:一种求解脑电逆问题的新方法。电子学报,29, 522-525。

73. 饶恒毅,陈霖。(2001)多方式认知功能成像研究进展。生物化学与生物物理进展,28, 24-28。

74. 饶恒毅,孟明,陈霖。(2001)图形大小知觉的动态记忆表征研究。心理科学,24, 602-604。

75. 饶恒毅,周天罡,卓彦,范思陆,陈霖。(2001)形状识别的功能定位和时间过程。生物物理学报,17, 651-659。

76. 饶恒毅,周天罡,卓彦,范思陆,陈霖。(2001)图形形状和空间位置知觉得ERP研究。生物物理学报,17, 487-494。

77. Bahadir Ozus, Holing Liu, Lin Chen, M.B. Iyer, P.T. Fox, Jiahong Gao.(2001) Rate dependence of human visual cortical response due to brief stimulation: An event-related fMRI study. MRI, 19, 21-25.

78. Dezhong Yao, Yingchun Zhou , Min Zeng, Silu Fan, Jie Lian, Dongsheng Wu, Xinyu Ao , Lin Chen, Bin He. (2001) A study of equivalent source techniques for high-resolution EEG imaging.Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46, 2255-2266.

79. Shimin Fu, Silu Fan, Lin Chen, Yan Zhuo. (2001) The attentional effects of peripheral cueing as revealed by two event-related potential studies.Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 172-185.

80. Lin Chen. (2001)Perceptual organization: To reverse back the inverted (upside down) down question of feature binding, Visual Cognition, 8, 287-303.

81. Hengyi Rao, Tiangang Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Silu Fan, Lin Chen. (2000) Combined spatial and temporal imaging of form perception: An fMRI+ ERP study. Acta Biophysica Sinica.

82. 敖新宇,范思陆,何逊,陈霖。(2000)上下视野空间选择性注意的ERP研究。生物物理学报,16, 73-80。

83. 傅世敏,陈霖,杨明明。基于物体的选择性注意理论的证据: 对一例视觉忽视病人的研究。(2000)心理科学,23, 200-202。

84. 傅世敏,范思陆,陈霖。对朝向和封闭性的选择性注意:事件相关电位的研究。(2000)中国科学,30, 367-374。

85. Xinyu Ao, Silu Fan, Xun He, Lin Chen. (2000) The Asymmetry of The Upper and The Lower Visual-fields in Spatial Selective Attention: A High Resolution ERP Study. NeuroImage, 11, s40.

86. Tiangang Zhou, Hengyi Rao, Min Chen, M. Meng, C. Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen. (2000) Differences between Pop-out and Effortful Visual Search in Human Brain Activation: An fMRI Mapping Study. NeuroImage, 11, s45.

87. Jin Yang, Lin Chen, Yan Zhuo. Multi-resolutional Registration of Functional MR Images. (2000) NeuroImage, 11, s579.

88. Yan Zhuo, Tiangang Zhou, G.Z. Li, Jiongjiong Wang, Hengyi Rao, Min Chen, C. Zhou, Lin Chen. (2000) Brain Activation Pattern Responding to Ice-water-induced Pain: a functional MRI study. NeuroImage, 11, s753.

89. Tiangang Zhou, Zhanli Wang, Yan Zhuo, Min Chen, Kui Chai, Lin Chen. (2000) Contralateral Compensation of Cortical Functions: Evidences from BOLD fMRI Study. NeuroImage, 11, s789.

90. Tiangang Zhou, Hengyi Rao, K. Cai, Ke Zhou, C. Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen. (2000) The Role of Topological Properties in Apparent Motion: A Further fMRI Mapping Study. NeuroImage, 11, s752.

91. Hengyi Rao, Yulong Ding , Min Chen, Tiangang Zhou, Yan Song, C. Zhou, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen.(2000) Relationship between Two Visual Pathways in Perception of Form and Spatial Location--A fMRI+ERP Study. NeuroImage, 11, s754.

92. Shimin Fu, Silu Fan, Lin Chen. (2000) Selective attention to orientation and closure: An event-related potential study. Science In China(Seiries E), 43, 232-241.

93. 陈霖,朱滢,陈永明。(1996) 心理学和认知科学, 100-110。

94. 博世敏,陈霖。(1996) 对"物体内注意转移" 优势效应之机制的进一步检验。心理学报, 2, 142-147,1999。

95. Shihui Han, Silu Fan, Lin Chen, Yan Zhuo. (1999) Modulation of brain activities by hierarchical processing: A high-density ERP study. Brain Topography, 11, 3.

96. Shihui Han, Glyn W. Humphreys, Lin Chen.(1999) Uniform connectedness and classical Gestalt principles of perceptual grouping. Perception & Psychophysics, 61, 661-674.

97. Shihui Han, Glyn W. Humphreys, Lin Chen.(1999) Parallel and competitive processes in hierarchical analysis: Perceptual grouping and encoding of closure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: human Perception and Performance, 25, 1411-1432.

98. Jiongjiong Wang, Yinpeng Jin, Feng Xiao, Silu Fan, Lin Chen.(1999) Attention-sensitive visual event-related potentials elicited by kinetic forms. Clinical Neurophysilogy, 110, 329-341.

99. Jiongjiong Wang, Tiangang Zhou, Maolin Qiu, Antao Du, Kui Cai, Zhanli Wang, Cheng Zhou, Ming Meng, Yan Zhuo, Silu Fan, Lin Chen. (1999) Relationship between ventral stream for object vision and dorsal stream for spatial vision: An fMRI+ERP study. Human Brain Mapping, 8, 170-181.

100. 兰哲, 陈霖。(1998) 拓扑性质知觉的大脑半球功能不对称性研究。心理科学, 3, 205-208。

101. James T Todd, Lin Chen, J Farley Norman. (1998) On the relative salience of Euclidean, affine and topological structure for 3D discrimination. Perception, 27, 273-282.

102. 兰哲, 陈霖。视知觉大脑半球功能不对称性研究评述。心理科学,5, 446-449,1997。

103. Lin Chen, Wu Zhou. (1997) Holes in illusory conjunctions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 4, 507-511.

104. Shihui Han, Silu Fan, Yan Zhuo, Lin Chen. (1997) On the different processing of wholes and parts: A psychophysiological study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 687-698.

105. 韩世辉, 陈霖。整体和局部性质加工的事件相关电位研究。中国科学,25,525-531,1995。

106. 韩世辉,陈霖。(1994)注意对朝向和颜色检测的不同影响。科学通报, 39,832,1994。

107. 韩世辉,陈霖。(1994)注意对拓扑性质和局部几何性质检测的不同影响─进一步的实验证据。心理学报,27,272-278。

108. 陈霖。(1993) 认知科学若干基本问题的研究进展。金沙集团1862cc院刊, 2, 112-118。

109. Shihui Han, Lin Chen. (1993) The effects of central and peripheral cues on visual discriminability: A topological explanation. In Valenti, S.S. & Pittenger, J.B. (Eds) Studies in perception and action II: Posters presented at the VII International Conference on Event Perception and Action. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbum Associates, Inc, 61-65.

110. Chaoyang Cai, Lin Chen. (1993) Attention directed by precues has differenct effects on discrimination of target lines presented alone and connected to a context. In Event Recognition: Current Perspectives, 69-72.

111. Lin Chen. (1990) Holes and wholes: a reply to Rubin and Kanwisher. Perception and Psychophysics, 47, 47-53.

112. Lin Chen. (1989) Topological perception: a challenge to computational approaches to vision. In Connectionism in Perspective, R. Pfeifer ed., Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland).

113. Lin Chen. (1986)Topological perception - a possible dark cloud over computational approaches to visual perception. In Cognitive Sciences ed. Qian X.S., Shanghai: People Press.

114. 陈霖,赵松年。(1985)视知觉的拓扑结构。世界科学

115. Lin Chen. (1985) Topological structure in the perception of apparent motion. Perception, 14, 197-208.

116. Lin Chen. (1984) Gestalt principles and tolerance space. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 3, 32-39.

117. Lin Chen. (1983) Ambiguous figures and visual perception. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 1, 106-110.

118. Lin Chen. (1982)Topological structure in visual perception. Science, 218, 699-700.
