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张朋  博士 研究员 博士生导师  




电       话:010-64854509



简       历:

1997 - 2001  中国科学技术大学,生命科学学院,学士

2001 - 2006  中国科学技术大学,生命科学学院,博士

2007 - 2012  美国明尼苏达大学,心理系,博士后

2012 - 至今  金沙集团1862cc,研究员,课题组长

2016 - 至今  金沙集团1862cc大学生命学院,岗位教授


2013年  基金委优秀青年基金

2021年  中科院朱李月华优秀教师



注意和意识是人类智能的核心。解析注意和意识的认知神经机制对理解人脑的认知机理,以及人工智能的发展都至关重要。我们实验室通过有趣的视觉实验范式和高时空分辨率脑功能成像技术(7T fMRI/MEG),研究视觉注意和意识以及相关脑疾病的认知神经机制。主要研究兴趣包括:(1)高分辨率人脑功能成像技术;(2)注意和意识的认知神经机制;(3)视觉可塑性与脑疾病。


2021年  王跃获得博士研究生国家奖学金

2020年  钱晨灿入选中科院青促会会员

2020年  回佳获得i-perception杂志首位早期职业发展奖

2019年  邹金佑获得博士研究生国家奖学金

2018年  邹金佑获得朱李月华奖学金



1. Ai, H.#, Lin, W.#, Liu, C., Chen, N.*, Zhang, P* (2024) Mesoscale functional organization and connectivity of color, disparity, and naturalistic texture in human second visual area. eLife 13:RP93171

2. Guo, F.#, Zou, J.#, Wang, Y.#, Fang, B., Zhou, H., Wang, D.*, He, S.*, & Zhang, P.* (2024). Human subcortical pathways automatically detect collision trajectory without attention and awareness. PLOS Biology, 22(1), e3002375.

3. Wang, H.#, Wang, X.#, Wang, Y., Zhang, D., Yang, Y., Zhou, Y.*, Qiu, B.*, & Zhang, P.* (2023). White matter BOLD signals at 7 Tesla reveal visual field maps in optic radiation and vertical occipital fasciculus. NeuroImage, 269,

4. Chen, Y. #, Gao, Y. #, He, Z. #, Sun, Z., Mao, Y., Hess, R. F.*, Zhang, P.*, & Zhou, J.* (2023). Internal neural states influence the short-term effect of monocular deprivation in human adults. eLife, 12, e83815.

5. Wen, W.#, Wang, Y.#, Zhou, J., Sun, X., He, S., Liu, H.*, Zhao, C.*, & Zhang, P.* (2021). Loss and enhancement of layer-selective signals in geniculostriate and retinotectal pathways of adult human amblyopia. Cell Reports, 37(11).

6. Cao, R.#, Qian, C.#, Ren, S., He, Z., He, S.*, & Zhang, P.* (2021). Visual adaptation and 7T fMRI reveal facial identity processing in the human brain under shallow interocular suppression. Neuroimage, 244, 118622.

7. de Hollander, G.*, van der Zwaag, W., Qian, C., Zhang, P.*, & Knapen, T.* (2021). Ultra-high field fMRI reveals origins of feedforward and feedback activity within laminae of human ocular dominance columns. Neuroimage, 117683.

8. Liu, C.#, Guo, F.#, Qian, C., Zhang, Z., Sun, K., Wang, D. J., He, S., & Zhang, P*. (2020). Layer-dependent multiplicative effects of spatial attention on contrast responses in human early visual cortex. Progress in Neurobiology, August, 101897.

9. Qian, Y., Zou, J., Zhang, Z., An, J., Zuo, Z., Zhuo, Y., Wang, D. J. J., & Zhang, P*. (2020). Robust functional mapping of layer-selective responses in human lateral geniculate nucleus with high-resolution 7T fMRI. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1925).

10. Zou, J., He, S. *, and Zhang, P. * (2016) Binocular rivalry from invisible patterns. PNAS 113, 8408-8413
