1997.08 - 2001.07 南京大学基础教学强化部,获理学学士学位
2001.08 - 2006.07 清华大学医学院,获生物物理学博士学位
2006.07 - 至今 金沙集团1862cc,研究员;课题组组长;蛋白质科学研究平台生物成像中心首席科学家(兼主任)。
2015.09 - 至今 金沙集团1862cc大学生命科学学院 教授
2008 全国优秀博士论文奖;
2008 第八届"中央国家机关优秀青年";
2009 贝时璋青年生物物理学家奖;
2012 所带团队荣获中央国家机关"青年文明号"称号;
2017 中国生物物理学会冷电电子显微镜分会"杰出贡献奖";
2018 教育部"长江学者奖励计划"青年学者;
2020 国家杰出青年基金;
2021 北京市科学技术进步奖一等奖;
2022 金沙集团1862cc朱李月华优秀教师奖;
2018 - 至今 中国生物物理学会理事会常务理事
2018 - 至今 中国生物物理学会冷冻电子显微学分会理事会副理事长
2014 - 至今 Biophysics Reports 副主编
2018 - 至今 Intemnational Union of Crystallography(lUCr)CryOEM分部编委
2021 - 至今 《生物物理与生物化学进展》副主编
1. 原位结构生物学技术和应用
经过30多年发展,尤其是近年的技术突破,冷冻电子显微术特别是单颗粒技术已成为结构生物学的主要手段之一。而蛋白质机器的原位结构解析是结构生物学的下一个突破点,特别是发展高分辨冷冻电子断层三维重构技术。然而,由于制样困难、原始数据完整度及信噪比低、图像解析复杂等,目前绝大部分蛋白质机器原位结构解析的分辨率还停留在20 埃左右。我们的研究兴趣是着重发展原位结构解析的完整技术平台,完善和优化原位结构解析流程中的冷冻离子减薄制样技术、倾转序列数据采集方法、电子断层三维重构新算法以及高通量高精度的蛋白质机器三维定位、对位和聚类分析算法。利用此技术平台,我们将解析一系列重要蛋白质复合体的原位高分辨率结构。
2. 超快冷冻电镜技术和应用
3. 三维构造生物学技术和应用
4. 膜蛋白的结构研究和定向改造
ORCID: 0000-0002-0351-5144
1. Xu, J.#, Liao, C.#, Yin, C.C., Li, G.*, Zhu, Y.*, and Sun, F.* (2024). In situ structural insights into the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism of skeletal muscle. Sci Adv 10, eadl1126.
2. Zheng, L.#, Yang, T.#, Guo, H.#*, Qi, C.#, Lu, Y. #, Xiao, H., Gao, Y., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Zhou, M., Nguyen, H., Zhu, Y.*, Sun, F.*, Zhang, C.*, Ji, X.* (2024). Cryo-EM structures of human SID-1 transmembrane family proteins and implications for their low-pH-dependent RNA transport activity. Cell Research 34, 80-83.
3. Wen, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Hang, Y., Xu, L., Chen, Y., Xie, Q., Zhao, Q., Zhang, L., Li, G., Zhao, B., Sun, F.*, Zhai, Y.*, Zhu, Y.*, et al. (2023). Cryo-EM structure of the cytosolic AhR complex. Structure 31, 295-308 e294.
4. Tai, L.#, Yin, G.#, Huang, X., Sun, F.*, and Zhu, Y.* (2023). In-cell structural insight into the stability of sperm microtubule doublet. Cell Discov 9, 116.
5. Zhao, M.#, Zhu, Y.#, Zhang, L.#, Zhong, G.#, Tai, L., Liu, S., Yin, G., Lu, J., He, Q., Li, M., Zhao, R., Wang, H., Huang, W., Fan, C., Shuai, L., Wen, Z., Wang, C., He, X., Chen, Q., Liu, B., Xiong, X., Bu, Z.*, Wang, Y.*, Sun, F.*, Yang, J.* (2022). Novel cleavage sites identified in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reveal mechanism for cathepsin L-facilitated viral infection and treatment strategies. Cell Discov 8, 53.
6. Zhai, C., Zhang, N., Li, X., Chen, X., Sun, F.*, and Dong, M.* (2022). Fusion and expansion of vitellogenin vesicles during Caenorhabditis elegans intestinal senescence. Aging Cell, e13719.
7. Tai, L.#, Zhu, Y.#, Ren, H.#, Huang, X., Zhang, C.*, and Sun, F.* (2022). 8 A structure of the outer rings of the Xenopus laevis nuclear pore complex obtained by cryo-EM and AI. Protein Cell 13, 760-777.
8. Zhu, G.#, Zeng, H.#*, Zhang, S.#, Juli, J., Tai, L., Zhang, D., Pang, X., Zhang, Y., Lam, S.M., Zhu, Y.*, Peng, G.*, Michel, H.*, Sun, F.* (2021). The Unusual Homodimer of a Heme-Copper Terminal Oxidase Allows Itself to Utilize Two Electron Donors. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 60, 13323-13330.
9. Zhang, Y.#, Pang, X.#*, Li, J., Xu, J., Hsu, V.W.*, and Sun, F.* (2021). Structural insights into membrane remodeling by SNX1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.
10. Xia, S.#, Lan, Q.#, Zhu, Y.#, Wang, C.#, Xu, W.#, Li, Y., Wang, L., Jiao, F., Zhou, J., Hua, C., Wang, Q., Cai, X., Wu, Y., Gao, J., Liu, H., Sun, G., Munch, J., Kirchhoff, F., Yuan, Z., Xie, Y., Sun, F.*, Jiang, S.*, Lu, L.* (2021). Structural and functional basis for pan-CoV fusion inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants with preclinical evaluation. Signal Transduct Target Ther 6, 288.
11. Tai, L.#, Zhu, G.#, Yang, M.#, Cao, L., Xing, X., Yin, G., Chan, C., Qin, C., Rao, Z., Wang, X.*, Sun, F.*, Zhu, Y.* (2021). Nanometer-resolution in situ structure of the SARS-CoV-2 postfusion spike protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.
12. Du, J.#, Wang, D.#, Fan, H.#, Xu, C.#, Tai, L.#, Lin, S.#, Han, S., Tan, Q., Wang, X., Xu, T., Zhang, H., Chu, X., Yi, C., Liu, P., Wang, X., Zhou, Y., Pin, J., Rondard, P., Liu, H.*, Liu, J.*, Sun, F.*, Wu, B.*, Zhao, Q.* (2021). Structures of human mGlu2 and mGlu7 homo- and heterodimers. Nature 594, 589-593.
13. Zhu, G.#, Zeng, H.#, Zhang, S.#, Juli, J., Pang, X., Hoffmann, J., Zhang, Y., Morgner, N., Zhu, Y.*, Peng, G.*, Michel, H.*, Sun, F.* (2020). A 3.3 A-Resolution Structure of Hyperthermophilic Respiratory Complex III Reveals the Mechanism of Its Thermal Stability. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 59, 343-351.
14. Zhang, D.#, Zhang, Y.#, Ma, J., Zhu, C., Niu, T., Chen, W., Pang, X., Zhai, Y., and Sun, F.* (2020). Cryo-EM structures of S-OPA1 reveal its interactions with membrane and changes upon nucleotide binding. Elife 9: e50294.
15. Shi, Y.#, Xin, Y.#, Wang, C.#, Blankenship, R.E., Sun, F.*, and Xu, X.* (2020). Cryo-EM structures of the air-oxidized and dithionite-reduced photosynthetic alternative complex III from Roseiflexus castenholzii. Sci Adv 6, eaba2739.
16. Qiao, A.#, Han, S.#, Li, X.#, Li, Z.#, Zhao, P.#, Dai, A., Chang, R., Tai, L., Tan, Q., Chu, X., Ma, L., Thorsen,T., Runge, S., Yang, D., Wang, M., Sexton, P., Wootten, D.*, Sun, F.*, Zhao, Q.*, Wu, B.* (2020). Structural basis of Gs and Gi recognition by the human glucagon receptor. Science 367, 1346-1352.
17. Lu J.#, Chan C.#, Yu L.#, Fan J.*, Sun F.* and Zhai Y.* (2020) Molecular mechanism of mitochondrial phosphatidate transfer by Ups1. Communications Biology, 3: 468.
18. Xia S.#, Liu M.#, Wang C.#, Xu W.#, Lan Q., Feng S., Qi F., Bao L., Du L., Liu S., Qin C., Sun F.&, Shi Z.&, Zhu Y.*&, Jiang S.*&, and Lu L.*& (2020) Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 (previously 2019-nCoV) infection by a highly potent pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor targeting its spike protein that harbors a high capacity to mediate membrane fusion. Cell Research, 30 (4): 343-355. (&: co-senior authors)
19. Ren, Z.#, Zhang, Y.#, Zhang, Y., He, Y., Du, P., Wang, Z., Sun, F.*, and Ren, H.* (2019). Cryo-EM Structure of Actin Filaments from Zea mays Pollen. Plant Cell 31, 2855-2867.
20. Gong H.#, LI L.#, Xu A.#, Tang Y., Ji W., Gao R., Wang S., Yu L., Tian C., Li J., Yen H.Y., Lam S.M., Shui G., Yang X., Sun Y., Li X., Jia M., Yang C., Jiang B., Lou Z., Robinson C., Wong L.L., Guddat L.W., Sun F.*, Wang Q.* and Rao Z.* (2018), A electron transfer path connects subunits of a mycobacterial respiratory supercomplex. Science 362.
21. Xin Y.#, Shi Y.#, Niu T.#, Wang Q., Niu W., Huang X., Ding W., Yang L., Blankenship R. E., Xu X.* and Sun F.* (2018) Cryo-EM structure of the RC-LH core complex from an early branching photosynthetic prokaryote. Nature communications, 9:1568.
22. Lu G.#, Xu Y.#, Zhang K., Xiong Y., Li H., Cui L., Wang X., Lou J., Zhai Y.*, Sun F.* and Zhang X.C.* (2017), Crystal structure of E. coli apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase. Nature Communications, 8:15948.
23. Chen R.#, Gao B.#, Liu, X., Ruan F., Zhang Y., Lou J., Feng K., Wunsch C., Li S.M., Dai J.* and Sun F.* (2017), Molecular insights into the enzyme promiscuity of an aromatic prenyltransferase. Nat Chem Biol 13, 226-234.
24. Wei R.#, Wang X.#, Zhang Y., Mukherjee S., Zhang L., Chen Q., Huang X., Jing S., Liu C., Li S., Wang G., Xu Y., Zhu S., Williams A., Sun F.* and Yin C.C.* (2016), Structural insights into Ca2+ -activated long-range allosteric channel gating of RyR1. Cell Research 26: 977-994 (Cover story).
25. Zhou, Q.#, Li, J.#, Yu, H., Zhai, Y., Gao, Z., Liu, Y., Pang, X., Zhang, L., Schulten, K., Sun, F.*, Chen, C.* (2014). Molecular insights into the membrane-associated phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIalpha. Nature communications 5, 3552.
26. Pang, X., Fan, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, K., Gao, B., Ma, J., Li, J., Deng, Y., Zhou, Q., Egelman, E.H., Hsu, V.W.*, Sun, F.* (2014). A PH domain in ACAP1 possesses key features of the BAR domain in promoting membrane curvature. Developmental cell 31, 73-86.
27. Wang, X.#, Xu, F.#, Liu, J.#, Gao, B., Liu, Y., Zhai, Y., Ma, J., Zhang, K., Baker, T.S., Schulten, K., Zheng, D.*, Pang, H.*, Sun, F.* (2013). Atomic model of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus by cryo-electron microscopy and crystallography. PLoS Pathog 9, e1003132.
1. Liu, G.#, Niu, T.#, Qiu, M., Zhu, Y., Sun, F.*, and Yang, G*. (2024). DeepETPicker: Fast and accurate 3D particle picking for cryo-electron tomography using weakly supervised deep learning. Nature communications 15, 2090.
2. Li, S.#, Wang, Z.#, Jia, X., Niu, T., Zhang, J., Yin, G., Zhang, X., Zhu, Y.*, Ji, G.*, and Sun, F.* (2023). ELI trifocal microscope: a precise system to prepare target cryo-lamellae for in situ cryo-ET study. Nat Methods 20, 276-283.
3. Li, S., Jia, X., Niu, T., Zhang, X., Qi, C., Xu, W., Deng, H., Sun, F.*, and Ji, G.* (2023). HOPE-SIM, a cryo-structured illumination fluorescence microscopy system for accurately targeted cryo-electron tomography. Commun Biol 6, 474.
4. Li, X.#, Lazic, I.# *, Huang, X.#, Wirix, M., Wang, L., Deng, Y., Niu, T., Wu, D., Yu, L., and Sun, F.* (2022). Imaging biological samples by integrated differential phase contrast (iDPC) STEM technique. J Struct Biol 214, 107837.
5. Zhang, J.#, Zhang, D.#, Sun, L.#, Ji, G., Huang, X., Niu, T., Xu, J., Ma, C., Zhu, Y., Gao, N., Xu, W., Sun, F.* (2021). VHUT-cryo-FIB, a method to fabricate frozen hydrated lamellae from tissue specimens for in situ cryo-electron tomography. J Struct Biol 213, 107763.
6. Huang, X.#, Zhang, L.#, Wen, Z., Chen, H., Li, S., Ji, G., Yin, C.C., and Sun, F.* (2021). Amorphous nickel titanium alloy film: A new choice for cryo electron microscopy sample preparation. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 160, 5-15.
7. Fan, H., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Zhu, Y., Song, B., Xu, H., Zhai, Y., Qiao, M.*, and Sun, F.* (2021). A cryo-electron microscopy support film formed by 2D crystals of hydrophobin HFBI. Nature communications 12, 7257.
8. Zhai, Y.*, Zhang, D., Yu, L., Sun, F., and Sun, F.* (2019). SmartBac, a new baculovirus system for large protein complex production. J Struct Biol X 1, 100003.
9. Li X.#, Zhang S.#, Zhang J. and Sun F.* (2018), In situ protein micro-crystal fabrication by cryo-FIB for electron diffraction. Biophysics Reports, 4(6): 339-347. doi: 10.1007/s41048-018-0075-x.
10. Li S., Ji G.*, Shi Y., Klausen L.H., Niu T., Wang S., Huang X., Ding W., Zhang X., Dong M., Xu W., and Sun F.* (2018), High-vacuum optical platform for cryo-CLEM(HOPE): a new solution for non-integrated multiscale correlative light and electron microscopy. Journal of Structural Biology, 201(1): 63-75.
11. Wang, S., Li, S., Ji, G., Huang, X., and Sun, F.* (2017). Using integrated correlative cryo-light and electron microscopy to directly observe syntaphilin-immobilized neuronal mitochondria in situ. Biophys Rep 3, 8-16.
12. Shi, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Zhai, Y., and Sun, F.* (2017). Determining the target protein localization in 3D using the combination of FIB-SEM and APEX2. Biophys Rep 3, 92-99.
13. Li, X.#, Ji, G.#*, Chen, X., Ding, W., Sun, L., Xu, W., Han, H., and Sun, F.* (2017). Large scale three-dimensional reconstruction of an entire Caenorhabditis elegans larva using AutoCUTS-SEM. J Struct Biol 200, 87-96.
14. Han, R.#, Wan, X.#, Wang, Z., Hao, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Gao, X., Liu, Z., Ren, F., Sun, F.*, Zhang, F.* (2017). AuTom: A novel automatic platform for electron tomography reconstruction. J Struct Biol 199, 196-208.
15. Zhang, J.#, Ji, G.#, Huang, X., Xu, W.*, and Sun, F.* (2016). An improved cryo-FIB method for fabrication of frozen hydrated lamella. J Struct Biol 194, 218-223.
16. Shan, H., Wang, Z., Zhang, F., Xiong, Y., Yin, C.C.*, and Sun, F.* (2016). A local-optimization refinement algorithm in single particle analysis for macromolecular complex with multiple rigid modules. Protein Cell 7, 46-62.
17. Deng, Y.#, Chen, Y.#, Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, F.*, and Sun, F.* (2016). ICON: 3D reconstruction with 'missing-information' restoration in biological electron tomography. J Struct Biol 195, 100-112.
18. Chen, Y.#, Zhang, Y.#, Zhang, K., Deng, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, F.*, and Sun, F.* (2016). FIRT: Filtered iterative reconstruction technique with information restoration. J Struct Biol 195, 49-61.
19. Han, R., Wang, L., Liu, Z., Sun, F.*, and Zhang, F.* (2015). A novel fully automatic scheme for fiducial marker-based alignment in electron tomography. J Struct Biol 192, 403-417.
1. 翟宇佳,孙飞,昆虫细胞-哺乳动物细胞表达穿梭载体 SmartBM-1 及其应用。发明专利,ZL202311601025.2。
2. 朱博玲,叶志楠,陈永圣,黄小俊,朱赟,孙飞,一种灭活冷冻电镜样品制备系统及制备方法。发明专利,202310952698.6。
3. 何佳,孙文浩,张艳,孙飞,杨戈,基于自监督深度学习的大尺度生物电镜各向同性超分辨三维重建技术。发明专利,ZL202211689462.X。
4. 刘国乐,牛彤欣,裘梦轩,孙飞,杨戈,朱赟,基于深度学习的冷冻电镜颗粒挑选方法、装置和电子设备。发明专利,ZL202211284170.8。
5. 季刚,黄小俊,孙飞,一种透射电镜分析用微阵列超薄支持膜的制备方法。发明专利,ZL201910843744.2。
6. 季刚,李喜霞,张建国,孙飞,一种适用于扫描/透射电子显微镜成像的自动聚焦方法。发明专利,ZL201910034869.0。
7. 范宏成,孙飞,乔明强,王波,朱赟,用疏水蛋白膜作为支持膜的电镜载网制备方法。发明专利,ZL202110576212.4。
8. 翟宇佳,孙飞,一种同时表达n个蛋白或蛋白亚基的方法及其专用系统。发明专利,ZL 201610248592.8。
9. 翟宇佳,孙飞,SmartBac杆状病毒表达系统及其应用。发明专利,ZL 201810028508.0。
10. 孙飞,庞效云,翟宇佳,王刚刚,谢天,用于在细菌表面呈递目的蛋白的DNA分子及其应用。发明专利,ZL201310750736.6。
11. 黄小俊,季刚,孙飞,透射电子显微镜载网制备方法。发明专利,ZL201510355339.8。
12. 季刚,李硕果,孙飞。一种光镜电镜关联成像用光学真空冷台。发明专利。ZL201410363314.8。
13. 季刚,王莉,徐伟,孙飞。摇床装置。发明专利。ZL201410550483.2。
1. 我国首台国产场发射透射电镜TH-F120,新华社广州1月20日电(记者马晓澄)。
2. 针对病理组织样本高通量成像需求的专用扫描透射电子显微镜SmartView研制成功,https://www.cas.cn/syky/202108/t20210809_4801432.shtml
3. 生物超快冷冻电子显微镜研制,/zhxw/zxbd/202307/t20230714_6810057.html
孙飞 博士 研究员 博士生导师
电 话:010-64888442