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杨艳  博士 研究员 博士生导师  




电       话:010-64886521



简       历:

1998 - 2002 云南大学理学院物理系,理学学士

2002 - 2007 金沙集团1862cc,理学博士

2007 - 2012 美国加州大学旧金山分校,博士后

2012 - 2016 美国杜克大学医学院,助理研究员

2016 - 至今 金沙集团1862cc,研究员,博士生导师

2018 入选国家自然基金委“优青项目”








1. Suhao Chen, Shuli Zhang, Yang Li, Huan Wang, Xun Chen, Yan Yang*, Dual-channel neural network for instance segmentation of synapse, Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2024; 172, DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108298.

2. Yongxiang Hu, Huan Wang, Mati Joshua, Yan Yang*, Sensorimotor-linked reward modulates smooth pursuit eye movements in monkeys, Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2024; DOI 10.3389/fnins.2023.1297914.

3. Jialai Yin, Minchao Wu, Yan Yang, Ping Li, Fan Li, Liang Wen, Zhao Lv, Research on multimodal emotion recognition based on fusion of electroencephalogram and electrooculography. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement. 2024; DOI 10.1109/TIM.2024.3370813.

4. Tong Xiao, Kaijie Wu, Peiliang Wang, Yali Ding, Xiao Yang, Chao Chang*, Yan Yang*, Sensory input-dependent gain modulation of the optokinetic nystagmus by mid-infrared stimulation in pigeons, eLife. 2023; 78729. DOI 10.7554/eLife.78729.

5. Xiaolu Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Milen Angelov, Zhao Feng, Xiangning Li, Anan Li, Yan Yang, Hui Gong, Zhenyu Gao, Excitatory nucleo-olivary pathway shapes cerebellar outputs for motor control, Nature Neuroscience. 2023; 26, 1394-1406 DOI 10.1038/s41593-023-01387-4.

6. Lasse Knudsen; Christopher J. Bailey; Jakob U. Blicher; Yan Yang; Peng Zhang; Torben E. Lund, Improved sensitivity and microvascular weighting of 3T laminar fMRI with GE-BOLD using NORDIC and phase regression, NeuroImage. 2023; 271, 120011. DOI 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120011.

7. Huang Wang, Xiaoxiao Wang, Yanming Wang, Du Zhang, Yan Yang, Yifeng Zhou, Bensheng Qiu, Peng Zhang, White matter BOLD signals at 7 Tesla reveal visual field maps in optic radiation and vertical occipital fasciculus. NeuroImage. 2023; 269, 119916. DOI 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119916.

8. Huixi Dou, Huan Wang, Sainan Liu, Jun Huang, Zuxiang, Liu, Tiangang Zhou, Yan Yang*, Form properties of moving targets bias smooth pursuit target selection in monkeys. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2023; 39, 1246-1262 DOI 10.1007/s12264-023-01022-z.

9. Xiaohui Wang, Xiaoli Cui, Yang Li, Fei Li, Yue Li, Jinye Dai, Han Hu, Xuefeng Wang, Jianyuan Sun, Yan Yang*, Shuli Zhang*, MC4R deficiency causes postsynaptic transmission dysregulation as a crucial culprit for obesity. Diabetes. 2022; DOI 10.2337/db22-0162.

10. Xiaoli Cui, Ruijin Zhang, Ye Yang, Erzhong Wu, Yiheng Tang, Zhihua Zhao, Chao Li, Lei Yang, Xueyi Teng, Yanzhen Ye, Ya Cui, Feng Xu, Zewen Su, Dongpeng Wang, Dongdong Zhang, Yan Yang, Jianyuan Sun, Jianjun Luo, Shuli Zhang, Runsheng Chen, and Jianzhong Jeff Xi, Identification and characterization of long non-coding RNA Carip in modulating spatial learning and memory. Cell Reports. 2022; 38(22) DOI 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110398.

11. Nathan J. Hall, Yan Yang, and Stephen G. Lisberger, Multiple components in direction learning in smooth pursuit eye movements of monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2018; 120(4):2020-2035.

12.Yan Yang, Qian Wang, Shu-rong Wang, Yi Wang and Qian Xiao, Representation of time interval entrained by periodic stimuli in the visual thalamus of pigeons. eLife. 2017; 6(e2799).

13.Yan Yang*, Stephen G. Lisberger, Modulation of complex-spike duration and probability during cerebellar motor learning in visually guided smooth-pursuit eye movements of monkeys. eNeuro. 2017; 10;4(3). pii: ENEURO.0115-17.2017.

14. Jun Huang, Yan Yang, Ke Zhou, Xudong Zhao, Quan Zhou, Hong Zhu, Yingshan Yang, Chunming Zhang, Yifeng Zhou and Wu Zhou. Rapid processing of a global feature in the ON visual pathways of behaving monkeys. Frontiers in Neuroscience, perception science. 2017; 25;11:474.

15.Yan Yang*, Stephen G. Lisberger*, Purkinje-cell plasticity and cerebellar motor learning are graded by complex-spike duration. Nature. 2014; 510(7506):529-32.

16.Yan Yang*, Stephen G. Lisberger, Role of plasticity at different sites across the time course of cerebellar motor learning. Journal of Neuroscience. 2014; 34(21):7077-90.

17.Yan Yang, Stephen G. Lisberger, Interaction of plasticity and circuit organization during the acquisition of cerebellum-dependent motor learning. eLife. 2013; 2(0): e01574.

18.Yan Yang, Stephen G. Lisberger, Learning on multiple timescales in smooth pursuit eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2010; 104(5):2850-62.

19.Yan Yang, Peng Cao, Yang Yang, Shu-Rong Wang, Corollary discharge circuits for saccadic modulation of the pigeon visual system. Nature Neuroscience. 2008; 11(5):595-602. [Evaluated by Faculty of 1000 Biology].

20. Yang Yang, Yan Yang, Shu-Rong Wang, Neuronal circuitry and discharge patterns controlling eye movements in the pigeon. Journal of Neuroscience. 2008; 15; 28(42):10772-80.

21. Peng Cao#, Yan Yang#, Yang Yang, Shu-Rong Wang, Differential modulation of thalamic neurons by optokinetic nuclei in the pigeon. Brain Research. 2006; 1069:159-165 (# equal author contribution).

22. Jiawei Zheng, Yan Yang, Shaohua Tian, Jin Chen, Fraser A.W. Wilson, Yuanye Ma, The dynamics of hippocampal sensory gating during the development of morphine dependence and withdrawal in rats. Neuroscience. Letters. 2005; 82:164-168.
