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陈萍(客座)  博士 研究员  




电       话:010-64856269



简       历:

  1998.09 - 2002.06  武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,理学学士

  2002.09 - 2005.06  武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,分析化学硕士

  2005.10 - 2009.06  英国诺丁汉大学,生物分子化学博士

  2009.09 - 2011.12  金沙集团1862cc,助理研究员

  2011.12 - 2014.08  金沙集团1862cc,副研究员

  2014.09 - 2019       金沙集团1862cc,研究员




  真核细胞中基因组DNA与组蛋白组装形成染色质;任何有关DNA的生命活动都是在染色质这个结构平台上进行的。细胞通过调控细胞核内染色质结构的动态变化来有选择性地进行基因的激活和沉默,从而控制细胞自我维持或定向分化。但是,人们对于染色质高级结构的建立及其调控机理的研究还十分有限。我们利用成功建立的具有国际领先水平的染色质体外组装和结构分析平台,简化体系,分解各种不同的调控因素来研究它们各自对染色质结构及功能调控的分子机制。目前已经成功获得高质量30nm染色质纤维,并和朱平课题组合作利用冷冻电镜技术解析了高分辨率(11?)的30nm染色质纤维的三维结构,国际上首次发现常规30nm染色质纤维是以四个核小体为结构单元,在H1-H1相互作用下相互扭曲形成一个左手双螺旋结构;并首次明确连接组蛋白H1在30nm染色质纤维形成过程中的重要作用(Science2014,research article)。同时,我们系统地研究了两个重要组蛋白变体H2A.Z和H3.3对染色质高级结构动态变化及基因转录调控的作用机理,从分子机理上揭示它们对干细胞分化过程中染色质高级结构及基因转录的动态调控过程(Genes Dev. 2013;Nucleus 2014)。鉴于染色质结构的高度动态性和异质性,我们将进一步建立和优化生物物理技术,包括单分子技术等,深入探讨该染色质结构建立的分子基础,重点研究四个核小体结构单元内部及结构单元之间核小体-核小体相互作用建立的分子基础及其可能的调控机制;利用冷冻电镜技术进一步解析含有不同表观遗传调控因素,包括组蛋白修饰(H2A泛素化、组蛋白乙酰化等)和组蛋白变体(H2A.Z等)的30nm染色质纤维的精细结构,研究体内一些重要异染色质区域形成的结构基础,并探讨这些具有重要生物学功能的表观遗传因素对染色质结构调控的分子机制;同时结合前期工作已经建立的细胞内染色质结构和功能研究,从分子基础上探讨这些重要表观遗传因素行使其相关生物学功能的结构机理。



1. Ping Chen*, L. Dong*, M. Hu, Y.Z. Wang, X. Xiao, Z. Zhao, J. Yan, P.Y. Wang, D. Reinberg, M. Li#, W. Li# and G.H. Li#. Functions of FACT in Breaking Nucleosome and Maintaining Its Integrity at Single-nucleosome Level. Mol. Cell (2018) 71, 284-293

2. X. Xiao*, L. Dong*, Y. Wang*, P. Wang, M. Li, G. Li, Ping Chen# and W. Li#. Dissection of Structural Dynamics of Chromatin Fibers by Single-molecule Magnetic Tweezers. Biophys Rep (2018) 4, 222-232

3. Ping Chen, G.H. Li. Structure and Epigenetic Regulation of Chromatin Fibers. Cold Spring HarbSymp Quant Biol (2017) doi: 10.1101/sqb.2017.82.033795.

4. W. Li*, Ping Chen*, J. Yu, L. Dong, D. Liang, J.X. Feng, J. Yan, P.Y. Wang, Q. Li, Z. Zhang, M. Li and G.H. Li. FACT remodels the tetranucleosomal unit of chromatin fibers for gene transcription. Mol. Cell (2016)64, 120-133 (* co-first author)

5. Q. Fang*, Ping Chen*, M. Wang, J. Fang, N. Yang, G.H. Li and R.M. Xu. Human cytomegalovirus IE1 alters the higher-order chromatin structure by targeting the acidic patch of the nucleosome. eLife (2016),5:e11911

6. F. Song*, Ping Chen*, D.P. Sun, M.Z. Wang, L.P. Dong, D. Liang, R.M. Xu, P. Zhu and G.H. Li. Cryo-EM study reveals a left-handed double helical structure of 30 nm chromatin fiber twisted by tetra-nucleosomal units. Science, (2014) 344, 376-380

7. Ping Chen, P. Zhu and G.H. Li. New insights into the helical structure of 30-nm chromatin fibers. Protein. Cell. (2014) 5, 489-491

8. Ping Chen*, Y. Wang* and G.H. Li. Dynamics of histone variant H3.3 and its coregulation with H2A.Z at enhancers and promoters. Nucleus(2014) 5, 1-7.

9. Ping Chen*, J.C Zhao*, Y. Wang*, H.Z Long, D. Liang, L. Huang, Z.Q. Wen, W. Li, X. Li, H.L. Feng, H.Y. Zhao, P. Zhu, M. Li, Q.F. Wang and G.H. Li. H3.3 actively marks enhancers and primes gene transcription via opening higher-ordered chromatin. Genes Dev. (2013) 27, 2109-2124

10. Ping Chen*, J.C. Zhao*, and G.H. Li. Histone variants in development and diseases. J Genet. Genomics. (2013) 40, 355-365

11. D.P Sun, F. Song, L. Huang, K. Zhang, G. Ji, Ping Chen# and P. Zhu#. In vitro assembly and electron microscopic analysis of 30 nm chromatin fibers. Prog. Biochem. Biophys.(2013) 40, 739-747 (# co-corresponding author)

12. G. Yuan, B. Ma, W. Yuan, Z. Zhang, Ping Chen, X. Ding, L. Feng, X. Shen,S. Chen, G.H. Li, and B. Zhu. Histone H2A ubiquitination inhibits the enzymatic activity of H3 lysine 36 methyltransferases. J. Biol. Chem. (2013) 288, 30832-30842.

13. C.P. Liu, C.Y. Xiong, M.Z. Wang, Z.L. Yu, N. Yang, Ping Chen, Z.G. Zhang, G.H. Li, R.M. Xu. Structure of the variant histone H3.3–H4 heterodimer in complex with its chaperone DAXX. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. (2012) 19,1287-1292

14. C. Wang,J.Shen, Z.Yang, Ping Chen, B.Zhao, W.Hu, W.Lan, X.Tong, H.Wu, G.H.Li, C.Cao. Structural basis for site-specific reading of unmodified R2 of histone H3 tail by UHRF1 PHD finger. Cell Research(2011) 21,1379-1382

15. Ping Chen, C.L. Evans, J.D. Hirst and M.S. Searle.Structural insights into the two sequential folding transition states of the PB1 domain of NBR1 from Φ value analysis and biased molecular dynamics simulations. Biochemistry.(2011) 50, 125-135

16. Ping Chen and G.H. Li. Dynamics of the higher-order structure of chromatin. Protein. Cell. (2010) 1, 967-971

17. Ping Chen, J. Long and M.S. Searle. Sequential barriers and an obligatory metastable intermediate define the apparent two-state folding pathway of the ubiquitin-like PB1 domain of NBR1. J. Mol. Biol.(2008) 376, 1463-1477.

18. Ping Chen, H.H. Liu, C. Ran, Z.L. Zhang, D.W. Pang, Z.X. Xie, H.Z. Zheng, Z.X. Lu. Visualized investigation of yeast transformation induced with Li+ and polyethylene glycol. Talanta(2008) 77, 262-268
