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戴霖昌  博士 副研究员  




电       话:010-64889948



简       历:

  2012 - 2018  中国科学技术大学 & 中科院生物物理研究所,获博士学位

  2019 - 2021  金沙集团1862cc,博士后

  2022 - 至今  金沙集团1862cc,副研究员





  1. 核小体组蛋白转录后修饰在DNA损伤应答中的招募作用与调控机制;

  2. 染色质重塑复合物SWR1催化"核小体编辑"的动态过程;

  3. 变体核小体的结构及其对染色质结构动态变化的调控机制。


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32270580,PARP1识别DNA损伤并调控染色质结构的分子机制研究,2023-2026,负责人。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,32000421,H2A.Z交换反应中控制底物核小体特异性的分子机制,2021-2023,负责人。

  3. 金沙集团1862cc战略性先导科技专项(B类),XDB37010103,变体核小体与核小体修饰的结构和功能研究,2020-2024,参与。

  4. 国家重点研发计划,2019YFA0508902,表观遗传因子对信号响应的结构生物学基础,2019-2024,参与。


1. Dai L#, Dai Y#, Han J#, Huang Y#, Wang L, Huang J, Zhou Z, Structural insight into BRCA1-BARD1 complex recruitment to damaged chromatin. Molecular Cell, 2021, 2021, 81(13): 2765-2777.e6. (Recommended in F1000Prime)

2. Dai L#, Xiao X#, Pan L, Shi L, Xu N, Zhang Z, Feng X, Ma L, Li W, Zhou Z, Recognition of inherently unstable H2A-nucleosome by Swc2 are major determinants of unidirectional H2A.Z exchange. Cell Reports, 2021, 35(8): 109183.

3. Zhou M#, Dai L#, Li C, Shi L, Huang Y, Guo Z, Wu F, Xie X, Zhu P, Zhou Z, Structural basis of nucleosome dynamics modulation by histone variants H2A.B and H2A.Z.2.2. The EMBO Journal, 2020 e105907.

4. Dai L, Xu N, Zhou Z. NMR investigations on H2A-H2B heterodimer dynamics conferred by histone variant H2A.Z. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2019, 518:752-758.

5. Dai L#, Xie X#, Zhou Z. Crystal structure of the histone heterodimer containing histone variant H2A.Bbd. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2018, 503(3):1786-1791.

6. Huang Y, Sun L, Pierrakeas L, Dai L, Pan L, Luk E, Zhou Z, Role of a DEF/Y motif in histone H2A-H2B recognition and nucleosome editing, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 2020, 117(7):3543-3550.

7. Mao Z, Pan L, Wang W, Sun J, Shan S, Dong Q, Liang X, Dai L, Ding X, Chen S, Zhang Z, Zhu B, Zhou Z. Anp32e, a higher eukaryotic histone chaperone directs preferential recognition for H2A.Z. Cell Research, 2014, 24(4):389-99.
