陈娜 / 博士 副研究员
电  话:010-64881029

1997.09 - 2001.07  沈阳药科大学 工学学士

2001.09 - 2006.06  沈阳药科大学 药理学博士

2006.07 - 2008.03 金沙集团1862cc生物物理所 助理研究员

2008.04 - 2010.01 金沙集团1862cc生物物理所 副研究员

2010.02 - 2011.01  贝勒医学院 博士后访问学者

2011.02 - 至今      金沙集团1862cc生物物理所 副研究员



  ◆ 新型毒素类抗体药物的设计与开发

  ◆ 基于膜片钳技术及细胞成像技术的离子通道药物的筛选与开发

  ◆ 中枢神经系统电压门控Na+、K+离子通道动力学

  ◆ 自身免疫性疾病及神经退行性疾病的细胞分子机制

  ◆ 电、化学突触与神经元网络时空编码特性

  ◆ 功能性脑疾病如:脑中风、抑郁症、认知障碍的细胞分子机制






1. Na Chen,Siqi Xu,Yuhan Zhang,Feng Wang*,Animal protein toxins: origins and therapeutic applications,Biophys Rep 2018,4(5):233–242

2. Zhilai Yang#,Na Chen#,Rongjing Ge,Hao Qian,and Jin-Hui Wang*,Functional compatibility between Purkinje cell axon branches and their target neurons in the cerebellum,Oncotarget. 2017;8:72424-72437. ( co-first author)

3. Wang,M.-H.,N. Chen*,and J.-H. Wang*,The coupling features of electrical synapses modulate neuronal synchrony in hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research,2014. 1550(0):p. 9-17.(co-corresponding author)

4. Rongjing Ge,Hao Qian,Na Chen and Jin-Hui Wang*. Input-dependent subcellular localization of spike initiation between soma and axon at cortical pyramidal neurons. Molecular Brain 2014,7:26.

5. Hong Ni,Li Huang,Na Chen,Fengyu Zhang,Dongbo Liu,Ming Ge,Sudong Guan,Yan Zhu,JinHui Wang*. Upregulation of Barrel GABAergic Neurons Is Associated with Cross-Modal Plasticity in Olfactory Deficit. PLoS ONE,2011,6(9 ):e25219

6. Na Chen,et al. Axons Amplify Somatic Incomplete Spikes into Uniform Amplitudes in Mouse Cortical Pyramidal Neurons. PLoS ONE,2010,5(7):e11868

7. Rongjing Ge,Na Chen,Jin-Hui Wang*,Real-time neuronal homeostasis by coordinating VGSC intrinsic properties. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 387 (2009) 585–589.

8. Li Huang,Na Chen,Ming Ge,Yan Zhu,Sudong Guan,Jin-Hui Wang*. Ca2+ and acidosis synergistically lead to the dysfunction of cortical GABAergic neurons during ischemia. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 394 (2010) 709–714.

9. Na Chen,Xin Chen and Jin-Hui Wang*. Homeostasis by coordinating plasticity among subcellular compartments improves spike encoding. Journal of Cell Science,2008,121(17),2961-2971.

10. Jin-Hui Wang*,Jian Wei,Xin Chen,Jiandong Yu,Na Chen and Jack Shi. Gain and fidelity of transmission patterns at cortical excitatory unitary synapses improve spike encoding. Journal of Cell Science,2008,121,2951-2960.

11. RongjingGe,Na Chen and Jin-Hui Wang*. Real-time neuronal homeostasis by coordinating VGSC intrinsic properties. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2009 387: 585-589.

12. Shidi Zhao,Na Chen,Zhilai Yang,Sudong Guan,Yan Zhu,Li Huang,Qianfeng Chen and Jin-Hui Wang* (2007). Ischemia deteriorates the spike encoding of cerebellar Purkinje cells by raising intracellular Ca2+. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2008 366: 401-407.

13. Na Chen,Shuli Chen,Yingliang Wu,Jinhui Wang*. The refractory periods and threshold potentials of sequential spikes measured by whole-cell recording. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 2006 340:151-7.

14. Na Chen,Yan Zhu,Xin Gao,Sudong Guan and Jinhui Wang*. Sodium channel-mediated intrinsic mechanisms underlying the differences of spike programming among GABAergic neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 2006 346: 281-287

15. Na Chen,Xin Chen,Jiandong Yu,Jinhui Wang*. Afterhyperpolarization improves spike programming throughlowering threshold potentials and refractory periods mediated by voltage-gated sodium channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 2006 346: 938-945
