金沙集团1862cc青年创新促进会会员 金沙集团1862cc"卢嘉锡青年人才奖"获得者
1999.09 - 2003.07 北京师范大学生命科学学院,生物科学,学士
2003.08 - 2007.06 北京协和医学院基础医学院/中国医学科学院基础医学研究所,病理学与病理生理学,博士
2007.07 - 2010.08 金沙集团1862cc,助理研究员
2010.09 - 2020.11 金沙集团1862cc,副研究员
(2014.05 - 2015.04 哈佛医学院/波士顿儿童医院,Visiting Scientist)
(2015.05 - 2015.09 哈佛医学院/波士顿儿童医院,Research Associate)
2020.12 - 2022.06 金沙集团1862cc,研究员
2009年 北京协和医学院/中国医学科学院优秀博士论文
2010年 金沙集团1862cc卢嘉锡青年人才奖
1. 胰岛素囊泡转运和分泌的分子机制
2. 胰岛类器官模型的建立和应用
1. Linlin Wang,Hongyang Liu,Xiaofei Zhang,Eli Song,You Wang,Tao Xu*,Zonghong Li*,Wolfram syndrome 1 (WFS1) as a receptor mediates ER export of vesicular cargo proteins in pancreatic β-cells,Nature Communications. 2021 Nov 30;12(1):6996.
2. Xiaofei Zhang#,Zhuo Ma#,Eli Song*,Tao Xu*,Islet organoid as a promising model for diabetes,Protein Cell. 2021 Mar 10:1-19.
3. Zhuo Ma#,Md. Nur Islam#,Tao Xu,Eli Song*,AP-3 mediated vesicle trafficking and disease,Biophysics Reports. 2021;7(2):91-100. (Cover story)
4. Yinsuo Zhao,Eli Song,Wenjuan Wang,Chung-Han Hsieh,Xinnan Wang,Wei Feng*,Xiangming Wang*,Kang Shen*,Metaxins are core components of mitochondria transport adaptor complexes,Nature Communications. 2021 Jan 4;12(1):83.
5. Maika S. Deffieu#,*,Ieva Cesonyte,Francois Delalande,Gaelle Boncompain,Cristina Dorobantu,Eli Song,Vincent Lucansky,Aurélie Hirschler,Sarah Cianferani,Franck Perez,Christine Carapito,Raphael Gaudin*,Rab7-harboring vesicles are carriers of the Transferrin Receptor through the biosynthetic secretory pathway,Science Advances. 2021 Jan 8;7:eaba7803.
6. Hongyu Li#,Zeming Wu#,Xiaoqian Liu#,Sheng Zhang,Qianzhao Ji,Xiaoyu Jiang,Zunpeng Liu,Si Wang,Jing Qu,Weiqi Zhang,Moshi Song*,Eli Song*,Guang-Hui Liu*,ALKBH1 deficiency leads to loss of homeostasis in human diploid somatic cells,Protein Cell. 2020 Sep;11(9):688-695.
7. Kangmin He#,Eli Song#,Srigokul Upadhyayula#,Song Dang,Raphael Gaudin,Wesley Skillern,Kevin Bu,Benjamin R Capraro,Iris Rapoport,Ilja Kusters,Minghe Ma,Tom Kirchhausen*,Dynamics of Auxilin1 and GAK in clathrin-1 mediated traffic,Journal of Cell Biology. 2020 Mar 2;219(3):e201908142.
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8. Kuan-Chen Lu#,Yujing Zhang#,Eli Song*,Extracellular RNA: mechanisms of it's transporting into target cells,ExRNA. 2019 Volume 1,Article number: 22.
9. Xinyu Zhu#,Min Li#,Xiaojun Xu#,Rui Zhang,Xiaofei Zhang,Zhuo Ma,Jingze Lu J,Tao Xu*,Junjie Hou*,Eli Song*,hTAC internalizes via both clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent endocytosis in mammalian cells,Protein Cell. 2018 Oct;9(10):896-901.
10. Xinyu Zhu#,Xiaojun Xu#,Kang Du#,Jingze Lu,Eli Song*,I-BAR protein IRSp53 regulates clathrin-independent endocytosis in a biphasic manner,Science Bulletin. 2018;63(3):149-151.
11. Min Li,Wen Du,Maoge Zhou,Li Zheng,Eli Song*,Junjie Hou*,Proteomic analysis of insulin secretory granules in INS-1 cells by protein correlation profiling,Biophysics Reports. 2018;4(6):329-338. (Cover story)
12. Jiajun Fu,Haining Zhang,Wenming Huang,Xinyu Zhu,Yi Sheng,Eli Song*,Tao Xu*,AIM interneurons mediate feeding suppression through the TYRA-2 receptor in C. elegans,Biophysics Reports. 2018;4(1):17-24.
13. Kangmin He#,*,Robert Marsland III,Srigokul Upadhyayula,Eli Song,Song Dang,Benjamin R. Capraro,Weiming Wang,Wesley Skillern,Raphael Gaudin,Minghe Ma,Tom Kirchhausen*,Dynamics of phosphoinositide conversion in clathrin-mediated endocytic traffic,Nature. 2017 Dec 21;552(7685):410-414.
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14. Wen Du#,Maoge Zhou#,Wei Zhao#,Dongwan Cheng#,Lifen Wang,Jingze Lu,Eli Song,Wei Feng,Yanhong Xue*,Pingyong Xu*,Tao Xu*,HID-1 is required for homotypic fusion of immature secretory granules during maturation,eLife. 2016 Oct 18;5:e18134.
15. Pingping Lv#,Yi Sheng#,Zhenao Zhao,Wei Zhao,Lusheng Gu,Tao Xu*,Eli Song*,Targeted disruption of Rab10 causes early embryonic lethality,Protein Cell. 2015 Jun;6(6):463-467.
16. Yan Chen#,Zhiping Xia#,Lifen Wang#,Yong Yu,Pingsheng Liu,Eli Song*,Tao Xu*,An efficient two-step subcellular fractionation method for the enrichment of insulin granules from INS-1 cells,Biophysics Reports. 2015;1:34-40.
17. Zhiping Xia#,Yan Chen#,Yi Sheng,Yalan Yi,Eli Song*,Tao Xu*,Whole Genome RNAi Screen in C. elegans Identifies CAB-1 as a Novel Regulator of DCV Secretion,Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2014 Aug;41(8):787-795.
18. Zhengguang Guo#,Eli Song#,*,Sucan Ma,Shijuan Gao,Xiaorong Wang,Chen Shao,Siqi Hu,Lulu Jia,Dexian Zheng,Tao Xu,Youhe Gao*,A Proteomics Strategy to Identify Substrates of LNX,a PDZ Domain Containing E3 Ubiquitin Ligase,Journal of Proteome Research. 2012 Oct 5;11(10):4847-62.
19. Yu Chen#,Yan Wang#,Jinzhong Zhang#,Yongqiang Deng,Li Jiang,Eli Song,Xufeng S. Wu,John A. Hammer,Tao Xu*,Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz*,Rab10 and myosin-Va mediate insulin-stimulated GLUT4 storage vesicle translocation in adipocytes,Journal of Cell Biology. 2012 Aug 20;198(4):545-60.
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20. Lifen Wang#,Yi Zhan#,Eli Song#,Yong Yu,Yaming Jiu,Wen Du,Jingze Lu,Pingsheng Liu1,Pingyong Xu*,Tao Xu*,HID-1 is a peripheral membrane protein primarily associated with the medial- and trans-Golgi apparatus,Protein Cell. 2011 Jan;2(1):74-85.
21. Yong Yu#,Lifen Wang#,Yaming Jiu#,Yi Zhan,Lin Liu,Zhiping Xia,Eli Song,Pingyong Xu*,Tao Xu*,HID-1 is a novel player in the regulation of neuropeptide release,Biochemical Journal. 2011 Mar 15;434(3):383-90.
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22. Siqi Hu,Eli Song,Rui Tian,Sucan Ma,Tao Yang,Yi Mu,Yuan Li,Chen Shao,Shijuan Gao,Youhe Gao*,Systematic analysis of a simple adaptor protein PDZK1: ligand identification,interaction and functional prediction of complex,Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2009;24(3-4):231-42.
23. Lulu Jia,Ling Zhang,Chen Shao,Eli Song,Wei Sun,Mingxi Li,Youhe Gao*,An attempt to understand kidney's protein handling function by comparing plasma and urine proteomes,PloS ONE. 2009;4(4):e5146.
24. Sucan Ma#,Eli Song#,Shijuan Gao,Rui Tian,Youhe Gao*,Rapid Characterization of the Binding Property of HtrA2/Omi PDZ Domain by Validation Screening of PDZ Ligand Library,Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 2007 Jun;50(3):412-22.
25. Eli Song#,Shijuan Gao#,Rui tian#,Sucan Ma,Haiming Huang,Jiayan Guo,Yingna Li,Ling Zhang,Youhe Gao*,A High-Efficiency Strategy for Binding Property Characterization of Peptide Binding Domains,Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2006 Aug;5(8):1368-81.
26. Eli Song#,*,Life Science and Biotechnology in China,Bio-science Law Review. 2006;7(6):224-228.
1. 宋婀莉、高友鹤,《人体病理生理学》(第3版),人民卫生出版社,第二篇第5章《蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用与疾病》
2. 徐涛、宋婀莉、张蓉颖,《分子细胞生物学》(第3版),高等教育出版社,第5章《细胞囊泡运输》
3. Liangyi Chen and Eli Song. Molecular Imaging-Fundamentals and Applications (Springer Press),Part III,Chapter 18,Using molecular imaging techniques to study protein-protein interactions
1. 发明名称:一种验证性筛选目的结构域结合配体的方法,发明人:高友鹤,宋婀莉,高诗娟,田瑞,马素参,黄海明,专利号:ZL.200610057182.1