2003 - 2007 中国农业大学生物学院 获理学学士学位
2007 - 2012 中国农业大学生物学院和北京生命科学研究所 获理学博士学位
2012 - 2014 北京生命科学研究所 博士后
2014 - 2019 金沙集团1862cc生物物理所 副研究员
2011年 中国农业大学优秀研究生奖
1. Hou P#, Huang C#, Liu C, Yang N, Yu T, Yin Y, Zhu B, Xu R. Structural insights into stimulation of Ash1’s H3K36 methyltransferase activity by Mrg15 binding. Structure. Published online, 2019 Feb 28. (#共同第一作者)
2. Huang C#, Yang F#, Zhang Z#, Zhang J, Cai G, Li L, Zheng Y, Chen S, Xi R, Zhu B. Mrg15 stimulates Ash1 H3K36 methyltransferase activity and facilitates Ash1 Trithorax group protein function in Drosophila. Nat Commun 2017.8(1):1649.(#共同第一作者)
3. Huang C#, Zhang Z#, Xu M, Li Y, Li Z, Ma Y, Cai T, and Zhu B. H3.3-H4 tetramer splitting events feature cell-type specific enhancers. PLoS Genet 2013. 9(6): p. e1003558.(#共同第一作者)
4. Yuan W, Xu M, Huang C, Liu N, Chen S, Zhu B. 2011. H3K36 methylation antagonizes PRC2-mediated H3K27 methylation. J Biol Chem 286: 7983-7989.
5. Xu M, Long C, Chen X, Huang C, Chen S, Zhu B. 2010. Partitioning of histone H3-H4 tetramers during DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly. Science 328: 94-98.
1. Huang C, Zhu B. Roles of H3K36-specific histone methyltransferases in transcription: antagonizing silencing and safeguarding transcription fidelity. Biophys Rep. 2018;4(4):170-177
2. Huang C, Zhu B. 2014. H3.3 turnover: a mechanism to poise chromatin for transcription, or a response to open chromatin? Bioessays 36: 579-584.
3. Huang C, Xu M, Zhu B. 2013. Epigenetic inheritance mediated by histone lysine methylation: maintaining transcriptional states without the precise restoration of marks? Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 368: 20110332.