孙伟 / 博士 副研究员
电  话:010-64884212

2003.09 - 2007.07  山东大学生命科学学学院,理学学士

2007.09 - 2013.07  金沙集团1862cc大学,理学博士

2010.12 - 2011.12  华盛顿大学,博士联合培养

2013.09 - 2017.11  金沙集团1862cc生物物理所,博士后

2017.12 - 2019.12  金沙集团1862cc生物物理所,助理研究员

2020.01 - 至今      金沙集团1862cc生物物理所,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32071444),Cas9的蛋白改造及相关anti-CRISPR蛋白机理的研究,2021-2024,负责人。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31500610),Wnt信号通路中重要蛋白复合体的结构生物学研究,2016-2018,负责人。

3. 中国博士后科学基金(2014M550859),Beta-连锁蛋白和FoxM1蛋白复合体的结构生物学研究,2014-2017,负责人。


1. Huang X,Sun W,Cheng Z,Chen M,Li X,Wang J,Sheng G*,Gong W*,and Wang Y*. Structural basis for two metal-ion catalysis of DNA cleavage by Cas12i2. Nature Communications. 2020,11(1):5241.

2. Mathony J,Harteveld Z,Schmelas C,Upmeier Zu Belzen J,Aschenbrenner S,Sun W,Hoffmann M D,Stengl C,Scheck A,Georgeon S,Rosset S,Wang Y,Grimm D,Eils R,Correia B E*,and Niopek D*. Computational design of anti-CRISPR proteins with improved inhibition potency. Nature Chemical Biology. 2020,16(7):725-730.

3. Sun W#,Yang J#,Cheng Z#,Amrani N,Liu C,Wang K,Ibraheim R,Edraki A,Huang X,Wang M,Wang J,Liu L,Sheng G,Yang Y,Lou J,Sontheimer E J*,and Wang Y*. Structures of Neisseria meningitidis Cas9 Complexes in Catalytically Poised and Anti-CRISPR-Inhibited States. Molecular Cell. 2019,76(6):938-952.

4. Thavalingam A,Cheng Z,Garcia B,Huang X,Shah M,Sun W,Wang M,Harrington L,Hwang S,Hidalgo-Reyes Y,Sontheimer E J,Doudna J,Davidson A R,Moraes T F,Wang Y*,and Maxwell K L*. Inhibition of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex assembly by anti-CRISPR AcrIIC2. Nature Communications. 2019,10(1):2806.

5. Sun W,Kuang X L,Liu Y P,Tian L F,Yan X X*,and Xu W*. Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of human CDC73 and its implications for the hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome. Scientific Reports. 2017,7(1):15638.

6. Sun W#,Zhu Y J#,Wang Z#,Zhong Q,Gao F,Lou J,Gong W*,and Xu W*. Crystal structure of the yeast TSC1 core domain and implications for tuberous sclerosis pathological mutations. Nature Communications. 2013,4: 2135.

7. Sun W#,Gao F#,Fan H#,Shan X,Sun R,Liu L*,and Gong W*. The structures of Arabidopsis Deg5 and Deg8 reveal new insights into HtrA proteases. Acta Crystallographica Section D,Biological Crystallography. 2013,69: 830-837.
