2007.09 - 2011.06 东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,工学学士
2010.03 - 2011.05 深圳华大基因研究院联合培养,生物信息工程师
2011.09 - 2017.01 东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,工学博士
2017.01 - 2017.07 金沙集团1862cc,实习员
2017.08 - 2019.12 金沙集团1862cc,助理研究员
2020.01 - 2023.04 金沙集团1862cc,副研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(32070620),2021.01至2024.12,主持人
2. 国家自然科学基金委青年项目(31900465),2020.01至2022.12,主持人
3. 北京市自然科学基金委面上项目(5182024),2018.01至2020.12,主持人
4. 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划(91740201),2018.01至2021.12,科研骨干
人类基因组中 98%以上的区域为非编码区,可转录产生海量的非编码RNA,并在细胞分化、器官发育、衰老和疾病等多种生理过程中发挥重要调控功能。与mRNA不同,非编码RNA 往往需要形成复杂的高级结构并与其他RNA 分子相互作用以执行其调控功能。研究方向主要包括:
1. 解析非编码RNA的原位高级结构;
2. 鉴定非编码RNA的作用靶标,重点关注增强子/启动子相关RNA的作用靶标;
3. 阐明非编码RNA发挥调控功能的作用机制以及致病机理。
1. Cao C-C#,Cai Z-K#,Xiao Xia#,Rao J,Chen J,Hu N-J,Yang M-N,Xing X-R,Wang Y-L,Li M-M,Zhou B,Wang X-X,Wang J-W*,Xue Y-C*. The architecture of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome inside virion. Nature Communication,2021,12,3917.
2. Su R-B#,Fan L-H#,Cao C-C#,Wang L,Du Z-C,Cai Z-K,Ouyang Y-C,Wang Y,Zhou Q,Wu L-G,Zhang N,Zhu X-X,Lei W-L,Zhao H-L,Tian Y,He S-M,Wang C*,Sun Q-Y*,Xue Y-C*. Global profiling of RNA-binding protein target sites by LACE-seq. Nature Cell Biology,2021,23,664-675.
3. Cao C-C#,Cai Z-K#,Ye R,Su R-B,Hu N-J,Zhao H-L,Xue Y-C*. Global in situ profiling of RNA-RNA spatial interactions with RIC-seq. Nature Protocols,2021,16,2916-2946.
4. Cai Z-K#,Cao C-C#,Ji L#,Ye R,Wang D,Xia C,Wang S,Du Z-C,Hu N-J,Yu X-H,Chen J,Wang L,Yang X-G,He S-M,Xue Y-C*. RIC-seq for global in situ profiling of RNA-RNA spatial interactions,Nature,2020,582(7812):432-437.
5. Ye R,Cao C-C,Xue Y-C*. Enhancer RNA: biogenesis,function,and regulation. Essays in Biochemistry,2020,64(6):883-894.
6. Chen J#,Cai Z-K#,Bai M-Z#,Yu X-H#,Zhang C#,Cao C-C,Hu X-H,Wang L,Su R-B,Wang D,Wang L,Yao Y-P,Ye R,Hou B-D,Yu Y,Yu S-Y,Li J-S,Xue Y-C*. The RNA binding protein ROD1/PTBP3 cotranscriptionally defines AID-loading sites to mediate antibody class switch in mammalian genomes,Cell Research,2018,28(10):981-995.
7. Li C#,Cao C-C#,Tu J,Sun X*. An accurate clone-based haplotyping method by overlapping pool sequencing. Nucleic acids research,2016,44(12):e112.
8. Cao C-C,Sun X*. Combinatorial pooled sequencing: experiment design and decoding. Quantitative Biology,2016,4(1):36-46.
9. Cao C-C,Sun X*. Ehapp2: Estimate haplotype frequencies from pooled sequencing data with prior database information. Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology,2016,14(4):1650017.
10. Cao C-C,Sun X*. Accurate estimation of haplotype frequency from pooled sequencing data and cost-effective identification of rare haplotype carriers by overlapping pool sequencing. Bioinformatics,2015,31(4):515-522.
11. Cao C-C,Li C,Sun X*. Quantitative group testing-based overlapping pool sequencing to identify rare variant carriers. BMC Bioinformatics,2014,15(1):195.
12. Cao C-C,Li C,Huang Z,Ma X,Sun X*. Identifying rare variants with optimal depth of coverage and cost-effective overlapping pool sequencing. Genetic epidemiology,2013,37:820 - 830.