2009.09 - 2013.07 中南大学, 工学学士
2013.09 - 2016.07 金沙集团1862cc高能物理研究所,工学硕士
2016.08 - 2017.09 金沙集团1862cc, 助理工程师
2017.10 - 2021.07 德国亥姆霍兹研究中心及美因茨约翰内斯古滕贝格大学,理学博士(导师: Dmitry Budker教授)
2021.07 - 2021.10 德国亥姆霍兹研究中心, 博士后
2021.11 - 2023.08 金沙集团1862cc, 项目正高级工程师
1. 科技部重点研发项目: 空间磁环境对生物节律的影响规律和机制研究,2023-至今,参与
2. 广东省科技厅重点研发项目:基于人类额叶高级神经功能的网络连接及物质结构基础解析研究,2023-至今,参与
3. 北京大学横向合作:高可靠性磁场补偿系统,2022.01-2022.07, 主持
4. TDK集团研究基金:基于磁阻磁力计的非接触检测研究,2020.11-2021.11,主持
1. Hu, Yinan#, Geoffrey Z. Iwata#*, Mohaddese Mohammadi, Emilia V. Silletta, Arne Wickenbrock, John W. Blanchard, Dmitry Budker, and Alexej Jerschow*. "Sensitive magnetometry reveals inhomogeneities in charge storage and weak transient internal currents in Li-ion cells." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), 117, no. 20 (2020): 10667-10672.
2. Hu, Yinan, Geoffrey Z. Iwata, Lykourgos Bougas, John W. Blanchard, Arne Wickenbrock, Gerhard Jakob, Stephan Schwarz, Clemens Schwarzinger, Alexej Jerschow*, and Dmitry Budker. "Rapid online solid-state battery diagnostics with optically pumped magnetometers." Applied Sciences, 10, no. 21 (2020): 7864.
3. Iwata, G. Z.*, Hu, Yinan. #*, Wickenbrock, A., Sander, T., Muthuraman, M., Chirumamilla, V. C., Groppa, S., Liu, Q., & Budker, D. (2022). Biomagnetic signals recorded during transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-evoked peripheral muscular activity. Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, 67(5), 333-344.#*Co-first and corresponding author.
4. Sheberstov, Kirill F.*, Liubov Chuchkova, Hu, Yinan, Ivan V. Zhukov, Alexey S.Kiryutin, Artur V. Eshtukov, Dmitry A. Cheshkov et al. "Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization of heteronuclear singlet order." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12: 4686-4691.
5. Blanchard*, John W., Teng Wu, James Eills, Hu, Yinan, and Dmitry Budker. "Zero-to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance J-spectroscopy with commercial atomic magnetometers." Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 314 (2020): 106723. Selected as editor's suggestion and magazine cover page.
6. Van Dyke E T, Eills J, Picazo-Frutos R, Yinan Hu, Dmitry Budker, Danila Barskiy. Relayed hyperpolarization for zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance[J]. Science advances, 2022, 8(29): eabp9242.
7. Zhang, Xue, Georgios Chatzidrosos, Yinan Hu, Huijie Zheng*, Arne Wickenbrock*, Alexej Jerschow, and Dmitry Budker. "Battery characterization via eddy-current imaging with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond." Applied Sciences, 11, no. 7(2021): 3069.
1. Hu, Yinan, Alexej Jerschow, Dmitry Budker, Geoffrey Z. Iwata, Arne Wickenbrock, John W. Blanchard. "System and method for magnetic susceptometry of devices with atomic magnetometry." USA patent.
2. Hu, Yinan, Román Picazo Frutos, Dmitry Budker, Arne Wickenbrock, John W. Blanchard. "System and method for zero and ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance devices with magnetoresistive magnetometer." USA patent.