报告题目:Mapping the inner world of the cell: STORM, CRISPR and GFP
报 告 人:Dr. Bo Huang
主 持 人:王江云研究员
报告人简介:Dr. Bo Huang
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry& Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco
Research interests:
Physical organization and dynamics of the genome,
Architecture of large protein complexes such as the centrosome, and
Subcellular compartmentalization of signaling molecules, particularly in the G-protein coupled receptors signaling pathway, and how this spatial distribution defines signaling specificity.
Microscopy technologies: Super-resolution and light-sheet microscopes and New fluorescent probes
Selected publications:
[1] A scalable strategy for high-throughput GFP tagging of endogenous human proteins, M.D. Leonetti, S. Sekine, D. Kamiyama, J.S. Weissman, B. Huang. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 113, E3501-E3508 (2016)
[2] Versatile protein tagging in cells with split fluorescent protein. D. Kamiyama*, S. Sekine*, B. Barsi-Rhyne, J. Hu, B. Chen, L.A. Gilbert, H. Ishikawa, M.D. Leonetti, W.F. Marshall, J.S. Weissman, B. Huang. Nat. Comm., 7, 11046 (2016)
[3] Dynamic imaging of genomic loci in living human cells by an optimized CRISPR/Cas system. B. Chen, L.A. Gilbert, B.A. Cimini, J. Schnitzbauer, W. Zhang, G.W. Li, J. Park. E.H. Blackburn, J.S. Weissman, L.S. Qi, B. Huang. Cell, 155, 1479-1491(2013)
[4] Conformational biosensors reveal adrenoceptor signaling from endosomes. R. Irannejad, J.C. Tomshine, J.R. Tomshine, M. Chevalier, J. Steyaert, S.G.F. Rasmussen, H. El-Samad, B. Huang, M. von Zastrow. Nature, 495, 534-538 (2013)
[5] Faster STORM using compressed sensing. L. Zhu, W. Zhang, D. Elnatan, B. Huang. Nat Methods, 9, 721-723 (2012)