黄龙文 / 博士 研究员 博士生导师
电  话:010-64889866

2006 - 2010  北京大学,生物科学,理学学士

2010 - 2015  美国贝勒医学院,神经科学,博士

2016 - 2021  美国冷泉港实验室,神经科学,博士后

2021 - 至今   金沙集团1862cc,研究员,博士生导师



1. 新型脑连接组绘制技术的开发


2. 自然行为调控的神经机制


3. 发育连接组学


1. Xie Y, Huang L, Corona A, Pagliaro AH, Shea SD. 2023. A dopaminergic reward prediction error signal shapes maternal behavior in mice. Neuron. 111(4):557-570.

2. Huang L*, Kebschull JM*, Fürth D, Musall S, Kaufman MT, Churchland AK, Zador AM. 2020. BRICseq bridges brain-wide interregional connectivity to neural activity and gene expression in single animals. Cell. 182(1):177-188.

3. Quast K, Ung K, Frodarakis E, Huang L, Herman I, Addison AP, Ortiz-Guzman J, Cordiner K, Saggau P, Tolias AS, and Arenkiel BR. 2017. Developmental broadening of inhibitory sensory maps.  Nature Neuroscience, 20(2):189-199.

4. Huang L*, Ung K*, Garcia I, Quast KB, Cordiner KA, Saggau P, and Arenkiel BR.  2016. Task learning promotes plasticity of interneuron connectivity maps in the olfactory bulb.  The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(34):8856-71.

5. Justice NJ, Huang L, Tian JB, Cole A, Pruski M, Hunt AJ, Flores R, Zhu MX, Arenkiel BR, and Zheng H.  2015.  Post-traumatic Stress Disorder-like induction elevates β-amyloid levels, which directly activates corticotropin releasing factor neurons to exacerbate stress responses.  The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(6):2612-23.

6. Garcia I, Bhullar PK, Tepe B, Ortiz-Guzman J, Huang L, Herman AM, Chaboub L, Deneen B, Justice NJ, and Arenkiel BR. 2014. Local corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) signals to its receptor CRHR1 during postnatal development of the mouse olfactory bulb.  Brain Structure and Function.

7. Garcia I, Quast KB, Huang L, Herman AM, Selever J, Deussing JM, Justice NJ, and Arenkiel BR. 2014. Local CRH signaling promotes synaptogenesis and circuit integration of adult-born neurons. Developmental Cell, 30(6):645-659.

8. Davis SM*, Thomas AL*, Nomie KJ*, Huang L, and Dierick HA. 2014. Tailless and Atrophin control Drosophila aggression by regulating neuropeptide signaling in the pars intercerebralis. Nature Communications 5:3177.

9. Herman AM*, Huang L*, Murphey DK, Garcia I, and Arenkiel BR. 2014. Cell type-specific and time-dependent light exposure contributes to silencing in neurons expressing Channelrhodopsin-2. Elife 3:e01481.

10. Zhang H, Lin M, Shi H, Ji W, Huang L, Zhang X, Shen S, Gao R, Wu S, Tian C, Yang Z, Zhang G, He S, Wang H, Saw T, Chen Y, and Ouyang Q. 2014. Programming a Pavlovian-like conditioning circuit in Escherichia coli. Nature Communications 5:3102.

11. Huang L, Garcia I, Jen HI, and Arenkiel BR. 2013. Reciprocal connectivity between mitral cells and external plexiform layer interneurons in the mouse olfactory bulb. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7:32.

12. Garcia I, Huang L, Ung K, and Arenkiel BR. 2012. Tracing synaptic connectivity onto embryonic stem cell-derived neurons. Stem Cells 30(10):2140-51.

13. Huang L*, Cui Y*, Zhang D*, and Wu S. 2011. Impact of noise structure and network topology on tracing speed of neural networks. Neural Networks 24(10):1110-9.

14. Lou C, Liu X, Ni M, Huang Y, Huang Q, Huang L, Jiang L, Lu D, Wang M, Liu C, Chen D, Chen C, Chen X, Yang L, Ma H, Chen J, and Ouyang Q. 2010. Synthesizing a novel genetic sequential logic circuit: a push-on push-off switch. Molecular Systems Biology 6:350.


  • 崔珊,科研助理
  • 谢韵瑶,博士后
  • 胡鹏凯
  • 段思含
  • 钟程
  • 岳奕欣
  • 张琦
  • 焦文强
  • 杜新科
  • 王欣蕊
    本科毕业于中国农业大学,于2022年加入Huang lab。她的研究方向与神经元的发育和联接组有关。喜欢旅游,摄影,电影。
  • 冯雨欣
  • 李亦佳