1981 - 1986 中国科学技术大学生物系,理学学士
1990 - 1994 加州大学圣地亚哥分校,心理学博士学位
1995 - 1997 哈佛大学,博士后
1997 明尼苏达大学心理系,助理教授,副教授,教授
2012 - 至今 金沙集团1862cc,研究员,博士生导师
1999 - 2002 斯隆基金会研究奖
1999 - 2002 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
2006 - 至今 Academic Editor, PLoS One
2006 - 至今 Associate Editor, Frontiers in Perception Science
Edit orial board member, ActaPsychologica
Journal of the Royal Society Interface Focus, editorial board member
2013 - 2017 Scince China, editorial board member
1. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:无意识条件下的视觉信息处理(81123002,2012-2015),课题负责人。
2. 金沙集团1862cc战略性先导科技专项B:宏观多模态成像及其在视觉联结图谱等研究中的应用(XDB02050001, 2012-2016),项目负责人。
3. 北京市科技计划重大专项:基于视觉认知功能损害的精神分裂症生物指标研究(Z171100000117003,2017-2019),项目负责人。
5. 北京市高精尖学科建设项目,"智能科学与技术"交叉课题:意识上与意识下信息的加工及其相互作用(2020-2021),项目负责人。
6. 金沙集团1862cc战略性先导科技专项,项目子课题:知觉意识的神经基础(XDB32020206,2020),课题负责人。
7. 金沙集团1862cc基础前沿科学研究计划从 0 到 1 原始创新项目:意识上与意识下信息的加工及其相互作用(KJZD-SW-L08),项目负责人。
8. 科技创新2030 -“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目:意识的认知神经机制(2021ZD0204200),项目及课题1负责人。
1. Jiedong Zhang*, Yong Jiang, Yunjie Song, Peng Zhang, Sheng He*. (2021). Spatial tuning of face part representations within face-selective areas revealed by high-field fMRI. Elife, Dec 29,10
2. Shiwen Ren, Hanyu Shao, Sheng He*. (2021). Interaction Between Conscious and Unconscious Information-Processing of Faces and Words. Neurosci Bull. Nov;37(11):1583-1594
3. Yijun Ge, Zhouyuan Sun, Chencan Qian, Sheng He*. (2021). Spatiotopic updating across saccades in the absence of awareness. J Vis. May 3;21(5):7
4. Runnan Cao, Chencan Qian, Shiwen Ren, Zhifen He, Sheng He*, Peng Zhang*. (2021). Visual adaptation and 7T fMRI reveal facial identity processing in the human brain under shallow interocular suppression. Neuroimage, Dec 1;244
5. Adaptation to feedback representation of illusory orientation produced from flash grab effect. Yijun Ge,Hao Zhou,Chencan Qian,Peng Zhang,Lan Wang*, Sheng He*. Nature Communications. 2020, 11, Article number: 3925
6. The bottom-up and top-down processing of faces in the human occipitotemporal cortex. Xiaoxu Fan, Fan Wang, Hanyu Shao, Peng Zhang, Sheng He. Elife, 2020 Jan 14;9
7. Layer-dependent multiplicative effects of spatial attention on contrast responses in human early visual cortex. Chengwen Liu, Fanhua Guo, Chencan Qian, Zihao Zhang, Kaibao Sun, Danny Jj Wang, Sheng He, Peng Zhang* . Progress in Neurobiology, 2020, Aug 17
8. Natural-scene-based Steady-state Visual Evoked Potentials Reveal Effects of Short-term Monocular Deprivation. Lyu L, He S, Jiang Y, Engel SA, Bao M*. Neuroscience, 2020, May 21;435:10-21
9. Integrative analysis of in vivo recording with single-cell RNA-seq data reveals molecular properties of light-sensitive neurons in mouse V1. Jianwei Liu, Mengdi Wang, Le Sun, Na Clara Pan, Changjiang Zhang, Junjing Zhang, Zhentao Zuo, Sheng He, Qian Wu*, Xiaoqun Wang*. Protein Cell, 2020, Jun;11(6):417-432
10. Single-Cell Analysis of Human Retina Identifies Evolutionarily Conserved and Species-Specific Mechanisms Controlling Development. Yufeng Lu, Fion Shiau, Wenyang Yi, Suying Lu, Qian Wu, Joel D Pearson, Alyssa Kallman, Suijuan Zhong, Thanh Hoang, Zhentao Zuo, Fangqi Zhao, Mei Zhang, Nicole Tsai, Yan Zhuo, Sheng He, Jun Zhang, Genevieve L Stein-O'Brien, Thomas D Sherman, Xin Duan, Elana J Fertig, Loyal A Goff, Donald J Zack, James T Handa, Tian Xue*, Rod Bremner*, Seth Blackshaw*, Xiaoqun Wang*, Brian S Clark*. Dev Cell, 2020, May 18;53(4):473-491
11. Size-invariant but location-specific object-viewpoint adaptation in the absence of awareness. Cho S, He S*. Cognition. 2019. Nov;192:104035
12. Development of neural specialization for print: Evidence for predictive coding in visual word recognition. Zhao J, Maurer U, He S, Weng X*. PLoS Biol. 2019. Oct 10;17(10)
13. Slower and Less Variable Binocular Rivalry Rates in Patients With Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Major Depression, and Schizophrenia. Xing Ye, Sheng He, Ying Hu, Yong Qiang Yu*, Kai Wang*. Front. Neurosci, 2019. May 21;13:514
14. Vernier but Not Grating Acuity Contributes to an Early Stage of Visual Word Processing. Tan Y, Tong X, Chen W, Weng X, He S, Zhao J*. Neurosci Bull, 2018, Jun; 34 (3): 517-526.
15. Stimulus rivalry and binocular rivalry share a common neural substrate. Petruk V, He B, Engel S, He S*. J Vis, 2018, Sep4;18 (9): 18.
16. A Novel Dichoptic Optokinetic Nystagmus Paradigm to Quantify Interocular Suppression in Monocular Amblyopia. Wen W, Wu S, Wang S, Zou L, Liu Y, Liu R, Zhang P, He S*, Liu H*. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018, Oct1;59(12):4775-4782.
17. Extracting the orientation of rotating objects without object identification: Object orientation induction. Shioiri S*, Hashimoto K, Matsumiya K, Kuriki I, He S. J Vis. 2018, Sep4;18(9):17.
18. Localization and Functional Characterization of an Occipital Visual Word form Sensitive Area. Zhang B, He S*, Weng X*. Sci Rep. 2018, Apr30;8(1):6723.
19. Conflict-sensitive neurons gate interocular suppression in human visual cortex. Katyal S, Vergeer M, He S, He B, Engel SA. Sci Rep, 2018, Jan19;8(1):1239.
20. The Independent and Shared Mechanisms of Intrinsic Brain Dynamics: Insights From Bistable Perception Cao T, Wang L, Sun ZY, Engel S.A and He S. Front. Psychol. 2018; 9: 589.
21. Functional organization of the face-sensitive areas in human occipital-temporal cortex. Shao H, Weng X, He S. Neuroimage. 2017; 157:129-143.
22. Monocular deprivation of Fourier phase information boosts the deprived eye's dominance during interocular competition but not interocular phase combination. Bai J, Dong X, He S, Bao M. Neuroscience.2017; 352:122-130.
23. Integrated SSFP for functional brain mapping at 7T with reduced susceptibility artifact. Sun K, Xue R, Zhang P, Zuo Z, Chen Z, Wang B, Martin T, Wang Y, Chen L, He S, Wang DJ. J Magn Reson.2017; 276:22-30.
24. Multi-phase passband balanced SSFP fMRI with 50ms sampling rate at 7Tesla enables high precision in resolving 100ms neuronal events. Chen Z, Xue R, Zhang P, Sun K, Zuo Z, An J, Chen J, He S, Chen L, Wang DJ. Magn Reson Imaging. 2017;35:20-28.
25. Interplay between Heightened Temporal Variability of Spontaneous Brain Activity and Task-Evoked Hyperactivation in the Blind. Dai R, Huang Z, Tu H, Wang L, Tanabe S, Weng X, He S*, Li D. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016; 10:632.
26. Temporally flexible feedback signal to foveal cortex for peripheral object recognition. Fan X, Wang L, Shao H, Kersten D, He S. PNAS. 2016; 113(41):11627-32.
27. Binocular rivalry from invisible patterns. Zou J, He S, Zhang P. PNAS. 2016; 113(30), 8408-8413
28. Multi-phase passband balanced SSFP fMRI with 50 ms sampling rate at 7 Tesla enables high precision in resolving 100 ms neuronal events. Chen Z, Xue R, Zhang P, Sun K, Zuo Z; et al.. He S, Chen L, Wang DJ. Magn Reson Imaging. 2017; 35:20-28
29. Selective Reduction of fMRI Responses to Transient Achromatic Stimuli in the Magnocellular Layers of the LGN and the Superficial Layer of the SC Of Early Glaucoma Patients. Zhang P, Wen W, Sun X, He S. Human Brain Mapping. 2016; 37(2), 558-569
30. A Novel Motion-on-Color Paradigm for Isolating Magnocellular Pathway Function in Preperimetric Glaucoma. Wen W, Zhang P, Liu T, Zhang T, Gao J, Sun X, He S. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2016; 56(8), 4439-4446
31. Interference between Conscious and Unconscious Facial Expression Information. Ye X, He S, Hu Y, Yu Y*, Wang K*. PLOS ONE. 2014;9(8)
32. Layer-specific response properties of the human lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus. Zhang P, Zhou Ha, Wen W, He S. Annual Meeting of the Association- for- Research- in- Vision- and- Ophthalmology (ARVO). 2016; 56(7): 2227
33. Voluntary attention modulates processing of eye-specific visual information. Zhang P, Jiang Y, He S. Psychol Sci. 2012; Mar; 23(3):254-60.
34. Dispositional fear, negative affectivity, and neuroimaging response to visually suppressed emotional faces. Vizueta N, Patrick CJ, Jiang Y, Thomas KM, He S. Neuroimage. 2012; Jan 2; 59(1):761-71.
35. Binocular rivalry requires visual attention. Zhang P, Jamison K, Engel S, He B, He S. Neuron.2011; 71(2) 362-9.
36. Human visual cortex responds to invisible chromatic flicker. He S, Jiang Y, Zhou K. Nature Neuroscience.2007; 10(5) 657-62, 2007.
37. A gender and sexual orientation-dependent spatial attentional effect of invisible images. He S, Jiang Y, Costello P, Fang F, Huang M. PNAS. 2006; 103(45) 17048-52.
38. Cortical responses to invisible objects in the human dorsal and ventral pathways. He S, Fang F. Nature Neuroscience. 2005; 8(10) 1380-5.
39. Viewer-Centered Object Representation in the Human Visual System Revealed By Viewpoint Aftereffect. He S, Fang F. Neuron. 2005; 45 793-800.
40. Competing global representations fail to initiate binocular rivalry. He S, Carlson T. Neuron.2004; 43 907-14.
41. Orientation-Selective Adaptation and Tilt Aftereffect from invisible patterns. He S, MacLeod D. Nature. 2001; 411 473-476.
42. Attentional resolution and the locus of visual awareness. He S, Cavanagh P &Intriligator J. Nature. 1996; 383 334-337.