纪伟 / 博士 研究员 博士生导师
电  话:010-64888846

2001.09 - 2005.06  华中科技大学,生物医学工程学士

2005.09 - 2010.06  金沙集团1862cc,生物物理学博士

2010.08 - 2011.12  金沙集团1862cc,工程师

2012.01 - 2016.12  金沙集团1862cc,科学研究平台,高级工程师

2017.01 - 2020.07  金沙集团1862cc,科学研究平台,正高级工程师

2020.07 - 至 今     金沙集团1862cc,研究员,研究组组长


2022年  国家杰出青年科学基金

2022年  金沙集团1862cc青年科学家奖

2021年  "干涉单分子定位显微镜"入选年度中国生命科学十大进展

2019年  中国电子显微镜学会优秀青年学者奖

2013年  金沙集团1862cc青年创新促进会会员

2012年  金沙集团1862cc关键技术人才




1. Li W#, Lu J#, Xiao K#, Zhou M#, Li Y, Zhang X, Li Z, Gu L, Xu X, Guo Q*, Xu T*, Ji W*. Integrated multimodality microscope for accurate and efficient target-guided cryo-lamellae preparation. Nat. Methods. 20, 268-275 (2023).

2. Wu W#, Luo S#, Fan C#, Yang T, Zhang S, Meng W, Xu T*, Ji W*, Gu L*. Tetra-color superresolution microscopy based on excitation spectral demixing. Light-Sci. Appl. 12, 9 (2023).

3. Zhang R#, Gu L#, Chen W#, Tanaka N, Zhou Z, Xu H, Xu T, Ji W*, Liang X*, Meng W*. CAMSAP2/3 localize at microtubule intersections to regulate the spatial distribution of microtubules. J. Mol. Cell Biol. Accepted (2023).

4. Liu J#, Tang H#, Xu C, Zhou S, Zhu X, Li Y, Prézeau L, Xu T, Pin J*, Rondard P*, Ji W*, Liu J*. Biased signaling due to oligomerization of the G protein-coupled platelet-activating factor receptor. Nat. Commun. 13, 6365 (2022).

5. Wang L#, Lu J#, Ji W*, Wan L*, Gu L*. Interferometrical single-molecule localization based on dynamic PSF engineering. Opt. Lett. 47, 1770-1773 (2022).

6. Gu L, Ji W*. Recent progress on single-molecule localization microscopy. Biophys. Rep. 7, 365-376(2021).

7. Gu L#, Li Y#, Zhang S#, Zhou M, Xue Y, Li W, Xu T*, Ji W*. Molecular-scale axial localization by repetitive optical selective exposure. Nat. Methods. 18, 369-373(2021).

8. Gu L#, Li Y#, Zhang S#, Xue Y, Li W, Li D, Xu T*, Ji W*. Molecular resolution imaging by repetitive optical selective exposure. Nat. Methods. 16, 1114-1118(2019).

9. Li Y, Xue Y, Xu X, Wang G, Liu Y, Wu H, Li W, Wang Y, Chen Z, Zhang W, Zhu Y, Ji W, Xu T, Liu L*, Chen Q*. A mitochondrial FUNDC1/HSC70 interaction organizes the proteostatic stress response at the risk of cell morbidity. EMBO J. 38(3), e98786(2018).

10. Xu X, Xue Y, Tian B, Feng F, Gu L, Li W, Ji W*, Xu T*. Ultra-stable super-resolution fluorescence cryo-microscopy for correlative light and electron cryo-microscopy. Sci. China Life Sci. 61(11), 1312-1319(2018).

11. Zou W, Fu J, Zhang H, Du K, Huang W, Yu J, Li S, Fan Y, Baylis HA, Gao S, Xiao R, Ji W*, Kang L*, Xu T*. Decoding the intensity of sensory input by two glutamate receptors in one C. elegans interneuron. Nat. Commun. 9(1), 4311(2018).

12. Lan X#, Fan C#, Ji W, Tian F, Xu T*, Gao Z*. Grafting voltage and pharmacological sensitivity in potassium channels. Cell Res. 26, 935-945 (2016).

13. Liu B#, Xue Y#, Zhao W#, Chen Y, Fan C, Gu L, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Sun L, Huang X, Ding W, Sun F, Ji W*, Xu T*. Three-dimensional super-resolution protein localization correlated with vitrified cellular context. Sci. Rep. 5, 13017(2015).

14. Gu L#, Sheng Y#, Chen Y#, Chang H, Zhang Y, Lv P, Ji W*, Xu T*. High-density 3D single molecular analysis based on compressed sensing. Biophys J. 106(11), 2443-9(2014).

15. Zhang Y#, Gu L#, Chang H#, Ji W#, Chen Y, Zhang M, Yang L, Liu B, Chen L*, Xu T*. Ultrafast, accurate, and robust localization of anisotropic dipoles. Protein & Cell. 4(8), 598-606(2013).

