2004 - 2008 浙江大学,本科
2008 - 2013 北京协和医学院药物研究所,博士
2013 - 2016 金沙集团1862cc,助理研究员
2016 - 2024 斯坦福大学,霍华德·休斯医学研究所,博士后、讲师
2024.9 - 金沙集团1862cc,研究员,研究组长
1. 长期记忆的巩固机制
食物偏好的社交传递(social transmission of food preference,STFP)是小鼠中的一种社交学习行为,通过这种行为产生的针对特定气味食物的记忆可以持续数月,形成长期的记忆。我们将着重研究这些长期记忆在大脑皮层中巩固的过程,包括分子和神经环路机制。我们将同时关注长期恐惧记忆的形成机制。
2. 不同情境下社交学习行为的环路与分子机制
1. Zhihui Liu*#, Wenfei Sun*, Yi Han Ng, Hua Dong, Stephen R. Quake#, Thomas C. Südhof#. The Cortical Amygdala Consolidates a Socially Transmitted Long-term Memory. Nature. (*co-first author, #co-corresponding author)
2. Wenfei Sun*, Zhihui Liu*, Xian Jiang, Michelle B. Chen, Hua Dong, Jonathan Liu, Thomas C. Südhof#, Stephen R. Quake#. Spatial transcriptomics reveals neuron-astrocyte synergy in long-term memory. Nature, 2024, Mar; 627(8003): 374-381 (*co-first author)
3. Zhihui Liu, Zijun Chen, Congping Shang, Fei Yan, Yingchao Shi, Jiajing Zhang, Baole Qu, Hailin Han, Yanying Wang, Dapeng Li, Thomas C. Südhof, Peng Cao. IGF1-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity of Mitral Cells in Olfactory Memory during Social Learning. Neuron. 2017, 95(1): 106-122
4. Zhihui Liu#, Man Jiang, Kif Liakath-Ali, Jaewon Ko, Roger Shen Zhang, Thomas C. Südhof#. Deletion of Calsyntenin-3, an atypical cadherin, suppresses inhibitory synapses but increases excitatory parallel-fiber synapses in cerebellum. eLife. 2022, Apr 14;11:e70664. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70664. (#co-corresponding author)
5. Cosmos Yuqi Wang, Zhihui Liu, Yi Han Ng, Thomas C Südhof. A synaptic circuit required for acquisition but not recall of social transmission of food preference. Neuron. 2020, 107(1): 144-157. e4
6. Mu Zhou, Zhihui Liu, Maxwell D Melin, Yi Han Ng, Wei Xu, Thomas C Südhof. A central amygdala to zona incerta projection is required for acquisition and remote recall of conditioned fear memory. Nat Neurosci. 2018, 21(11): 1515-1519
7. Congping Shang, Zhihui Liu, Zijun Chen, Yingchao Shi, Qian Wang, Su Liu, Dapeng Li, Peng Cao. A parvalbumin-positive excitatory visual pathway to trigger fear response in mice. Science. 2015, 348(6242): 1472-1477