王晓群(客座) / 博士 研究员 博士生导师
电  话:010-64887994



2009 - 2012    美国加州大学旧金山分校助理教授(研究系列)

2012 - 至今    金沙集团1862cc,研究员,博士生导师

2019 - 2022.3  金沙集团1862cc大学神经生物与心理教研室主任


2020年  北脑学者

2020年  金沙集团1862cc大学领雁奖章--振翅奖

2020年  金沙集团1862cc优秀导师奖

2019年  谈家桢生命科学创新奖

2019年  金沙集团1862cc优秀导师奖

2018年  干细胞研究创新奖

2018年  金沙集团1862cc优秀导师奖

2015年  英国牛顿高级学者奖

2014 - 2018  国家重大科学研究计划"成体神经干细胞的命运决定机制与功能研究"首席科学家

2019 - 2023  国家重点研发计划"区域特异性神经干细胞的获取以及功能特性和应用的研究"首席科学家





1. 神经干细胞与脑发育


2. 成体神经干细胞与微环境


3. 大脑皮层神经环路发育


4. 脑的细胞多样性与进化中的分子演化


5. 神经系统疾病


1. Zhong S, Ding W, Sun L, Lu Y, Dong H, Fan X, Liu Z, Chen R, Zhang S, Ma Q, Tang F, Wu Q*, Wang X*. Decoding the development of human hippocampus. Nature. 2020; 577(7791): 531-536. (*Corresponding Author)

2. Zhou X, Zhong S, Peng H, Liu J, Ding W, Sun L, Ma Q, Liu Z, Chen R, Wu Q, Wang X*. Cellular and molecular properties of neural progenitors in the developing mammalian hypothalamus. Nat Communications. 2020 Aug 13;11(1):4063. (*Corresponding Author)

3. Shi Y, Sun L, Wang M, Liu J, Zhong S, Li R, Li P, Guo L, Fang A, Chen R, Ge WP, Wu Q*, Wang X*. Vascularized human cortical organoids (vOrganoid) model cortical development in vivo. Plos Biology. 2020; May 13;18(5). (*Corresponding Author)

4. Lu Y, Shiau F, Yi W, Lu S, Wu Q, Pearson JD, Kallman A, Zhong S, Hoang T, Zuo Z, Zhao F, Zhang M, Tsai N, Zhuo Y, He S, Zhang J, Stein-O'Brien GL, Sherman TD, Duan X, Fertig EJ, Goff LA, Zack DJ, Handa JT, Xue T*, Bremner R,*, Blackshaw S*, Wang X*, Clark BS*. Single-cell analysis of human retina identifies evolutionarily conserved and species specific mechanisms controlling development. Developmental Cell. 2020; May 18;53(4):473-491. (*Corresponding Author)

5. Yin C, Zhou X, Wang W, Yao Y, Wu Q* and Wang X*. Abundant self-amplifying intermediate progenitors in the subventricular zone of the Chinese tree shrew neocortex. Cerebral Cortex. 2020 May 14;30(5):3370-3380. (*Corresponding Author)

6. Yi W, Lu Y, Zhong S, Zhang M, Sun L, Dong H, Wang M, Wei M, Xie H, Qu H, Peng R, Hong J, Yao Z, Tong Y, Wang W, Ma Q, Liu Z, Ma Y, Li S, Yin C, Liu J, Ma C, Wang X*, Wu Q*, Xue T*. A single-cell transcriptome atlas of the aging human and macaque retina. National Science Review, 2020 August 25. nwaa179. (*Corresponding Author)

7. Fan X, Fu Y, Zhou X, Sun L, Yang M, Wang M, Chen R, Wu Q, Yong J, Dong J, Wen L, Qiao J*, Wang X*, Tang F*. Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals cell lineage specification in temporal spatial patterns in human cortical development. Science Advances, 2020 Aug 21;6(34):eaaz2978. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz2978. (*Corresponding Author)

8. Ding W, Zhang C, Wang B, Zhou X, Sun L, Zhong S, Liu J, Zhang J, Wang X*, Wu Q*. Loss of the centrosomal protein Cenpj leads to dysfunction of the hypothalamus and obesity in mice. Sci China Life Sci. 2020 Aug 13. doi: 10.1007/s11427-020-1767-5. (*Corresponding Author)

9. Sun L, Chen R, Li L, Yuan B, Song K, Pan N, Cheng T, Chang S, Lin K, He X, Wu Q, Xu F, Qiu Z*, Wang X*. Visualization and correction of social abnormalities-associated neural ensembles in adult MECP2 duplication mice. Science Bulletin. 2020 July 30; 65(14):1192-1202. (*Corresponding Author)

10. Liu J, Wang M, Sun L, Pan N, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zuo Z, He S, Wu Q*, Wang X*. Integrative Analysis of in Vivo Recording with Single-Cell RNA-seq Data Reveals Molecular Properties of Light-Sensitive Neurons in Mouse V1. Protein Cell. 2020 Jun; 11(6): 417-432. (*Corresponding Author)

11. Pan N, Fang A, Shen C, Sun L, Wu Q and Wang X*. Early Excitatory Activity-dependent Maturation of Somatostatin Interneurons in Cortical Layer 2/3 of Mice. Cerebral Cortex. 2019 Sep 13;29(10):4107-4118. (Corresponding Author)

12. Sun L*, Chen R, Bai Y, Li J, Wu Q*, Shen Q*, Wang X*. Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Ebf2-EGFP-Expressing Cajal-Retzius Cells in Developing Mouse Neocortex. Cerebral Cortex. 2019 Sep. 29(9):3864-3878 (Corresponding Author)

13. Ding W, Wu Q, Sun L, Pan NC, Wang X*. Cenpj regulates cilia disassembly and neurogenesis in the developing mouse cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 2019 Mar 13;39(11):1994-2010. (*Corresponding Author)

14. Tong DL, Chen RG, Lu YL, Li WK, Zhang YF, Lin JK, He LJ, Dang T, Shan SF, Xu XH, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Du YS, Zhou WH, Wang X*, Qiu Z*. The critical role of ASD-related gene CNTNAP3 in regulating synaptic development and social behavior in mice. Neurobiol Dis, 2019. 130: p. 104486. (*Corresponding Author)

15. Xie H, Zhang W, Zhang M, Akhtar T, Li W, Sun X, Zuo Z, Wei W, Fang X, Yao Z, Dong K, Zhong S, Liu Q, Shen Y, Wu Q, Wang X, Zhao H, Bao J, Qu K, TianXue. Chromatin accessibility analysis reveals regulatory dynamics of developing human retina and hiPSC-derived retinal organoids. Sci Adv. 2020;6(6):eaay5247.

16. Yu H, Zhao T, Liu S, Wu Q, Johnson O, Wu Z, Zhuang Z, Shi Y, Peng L, He R, Yang Y, Sun J, Wang X, Xu H, Zeng Z, Zou P, Lei X, Luo W, Li Y. MRGPRX4 is a bile acid receptor for human cholestatic itch. Elife. 2019 Sep 10;8. pii: e48431. doi: 10.7554/eLife.48431.

17. Yang Y, Chen R, Wu X, Zhao Y, Fan Y, Xiao Z, Han J, Sun L, Wang X, Dai J. Rapid and Efficient Conversion of Human Fibroblasts into Functional Neurons by Small Molecules. Stem Cell Reports. 2019 Nov 12;13(5):862-876.

18. Li A, Zalesky A, Yue W, Howes O, Yan H, Liu Y, Fan L, Whitaker KJ, Xu K, Rao G, Li J, Liu S, Wang M, Sun Y, Song M, Li P, Chen J, Chen Y, Wang H, Liu W, Li Z, Yang Y, Guo H, Wan P, Lv L, Lu L, Yan J, Song Y, Wang H, Zhang H, Wu H, Ning Y, Du Y, Cheng Y, Xu J, Xu X, Zhang D, Wang X, Jiang T, Liu B.A. Neuroimaging Biomarker for Striatal Dysfunction in Schizophrenia. Nature Medicine. 2020 Apr; 26(4):558-565.

19. Du R., Zhu X., Wu S., Zhang X., He Y., Zhang K., He X., Wang X., Sun Y., Wang Q., Zhang H., and Tian M., PET imaging of metabolic changes after neural stem cells and GABA progenitor cells transplantation in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2019. 46(11): p. 2392-2397.

20. Zhang X, Liu Z, Liu X, Wang S, Zhang Y, He X, Sun S, Ma S, Shyh-Chang N, Liu F, Wang Q, Wang X, Liu L, Zhang W, Song M, Liu GH, Qu J, Telomere-dependent and telomere-independent roles of RAP1 in regulating human stem cell homeostasis. Protein Cell, 2019. 10(9): p. 649-667.

21. Fan X, Dong J, Zhong S, Wei Y, Wu Q, Yan L, Yong J, Sun L, Wang X, Zhao Y, Wang W, Yan J, Wang X*, Qiao J*, Tang F*. Spatial transcriptomic survey of human embryonic cerebral cortex by single-cell RNA-seq analysis. Cell Res. 2018 Jul; 28(7):730-745. (*Corresponding Author)

22. Zhong S, Zhang S, Fan X, Wu Q, Yan L, Dong J, Zhang H, Li L, Sun L, Pan N, Xu X, Tang F*, Zhang J*, Qiao J*, Wang X*. A single-cell RNA-seq survey of the developmental landscape of the human prefrontal cortex. Nature. 2018 Mar 14. doi: 10.1038/nature25980. (*Corresponding Author)

23. Shi Y, Li S, Wu Q, Sun L, Zhang J, Pan N, Wang Q, Bi Y, An J, Lu X, Gao GF*, Wang X*. Vertical Transmission of the Zika Virus Causes Neurological Disorders in Mouse Offspring. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 23;8(1):3541. (*Corresponding Author)

24. Li R, Sun L, Fang A, Li P, Wu Q*, Wang X*. Recapitulating cortical development with organoid culture in vitro and modeling abnormal spindle-like (ASPM related primary) microcephaly disease. Protein Cell. 2017 Nov;8(11):823-833. (*Corresponding Author)

25. Liu J, Liu W, Yang L, Wu Q, Zhang H, Fang A, Li L, Xu X, Sun L, Zhang J*, Tang F* and Wang X*. Primate-specific gene TMEM14B promotes cortical expansion and folding. Cell Stem Cell. 2017 Nov 2;21(5):635-649. (*Corresponding Author)

26. Ju XC, Hou QQ, Sheng AL, Wu KY, Zhou Y, Jin Y, Wen T, Yang Z, Wang X, Luo ZG. The hominoid-specific gene TBC1D3 promotes generation of basal neural progenitors and induces cortical folding in mice. Elife. 2016 Aug 9;5.

27. Yuan Q, Deng KY, Sun L, Chi S, Yang Z, Wang J, Xin HB*, Wang X*, Ji G*. Calstabin 2: An important regulator for learning and memory in mice. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 18; 6: 21087.(*Corresponding Author)

28. Wang Y, Wu Q, Yang P, Wang C, Liu J, Ding W, Liu W, Bai Y, Yang Y, Wang H, Gao S*, Wang X*. LSD1 co-repressor Rcor2 orchestrates neurogenesis in the developing mouse brain. Nature Communications. 2016 Jan 22; 7:10481. (*Corresponding Author)

29. Kou Z, Wu Q, Kou X, Yin C, Wang H, Zuo Z, Zhuo Y, Chen A, Gao S*, Wang X*. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering of the ferret. Cell Res. 2015 Dec; 25(12): 1372-5. (*Corresponding Author)

30. Zhao YG, Sun L, Miao G, Ji C, Zhao H, Sun H, Miao L, Yoshii SR, Mizushima N, Wang X, Zhang H. Autophagy. 2015; 11(6): 881-90.

31. Gertz CC, Lui JH, LaMonica BE, Wang X, Kriegstein AR. Diverse behaviors of outer radial glia in developing ferret and human cortex. J Neurosci. 2014 Feb 12;34(7):2559-70.

32. Wu Q, Liu J, Fang A, Li R, Bai Y, Kriegstein AR, Wang X. Chapter2: The Dynamics of Neuronal Migration, Cellular and Molecular Control of Neuronal Migration, 1st Edition, 2014, Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-7687-6.

33. Wang X and KriegsteinA OSVZ Radial Glial Cells, Book Chapter, Neuroglia. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press.

34. Li R, Bai Y, Liu T, Wang X* and Wu Q*.Induced pluripotency and direct reprogramming: a new window for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Protein Cell. 2013 Jun; 4(6): 415-24. (*Corresponding Author)

35. Lamonic B, Liu J, Wang X & Kriegstein A. An updated perspective on human neurodevelopmental disease. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2012 Oct; 22(5): 747-53. (Cover)

36. Wu Q* and Wang X*. Neuronal stem cells in the central nervous system and in human diseases. Protein Cell. 2012 Apr; 3(4): 262-70. (*Corresponding Author)

37. Wang X, Liu J & Kriegstein A. Orienting fate: spatial regulation of neurogenic divisions. Neuron. 2011 Oct. 20; 72(2): 191-3.

38. Wang X*, Tsai JW, LaMonica B, Kriegstein AR. A new subtype of cortical progenitor cell in the mouse embryonic neocortex. Nat Neurosci, 14, 555-561 (2011) (Cover; featured in News and Views)(* Corresponding Author)

39. Imai JH, Wang X, Shi SH. Kaede-Centrin1 Labeling of Mother and Daughter Centrosomes in Mammalian Neocortical Neural Progenitors. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol. 2010 Oct; Chapter 5:Unit 5.

40. Wang X, Tsai JW, Imai JH, Lian WN, Vallee RB, Shi SH. Asymmetric segregation of mother and daughter centrosome in mammal neocortex. Nature. 2009 Oct 15; 461: 947-55. (Cover; Featured in News and Views).

41. Yu YC, Bultje RS, Wang X, Shi SH Specific synapses develop preferentially among sister excitatory neurons in the neocortex. Nature. 2009 Mar 26; 458: 501-4.



2020年  博士生卢玉峰获得金沙集团1862cc院长优秀奖

2019年  博士生钟穗娟获得张香桐神经科学优秀研究生论文奖

2019年  博士生钟穗娟获得中科院院优秀博士学位论文奖

2019年  博士生卢玉峰获得罗氏大学研究基金二等奖

2019年  博士生刘静获得金沙集团1862cc优秀博士学位论文奖

2019年  博士生陈睿国获得研究生国家奖学金

2019年  博士生卢玉峰获得中国干细胞第九届年会优秀壁报二等奖

2019年  博士生卢玉峰获得研究生国家奖学金

2019年  硕士生卢甜获得金沙集团1862cc大学大学生奖学金

2019年  硕士生冉庚鑫获得金沙集团1862cc大学大学生奖学金

2018年  博士生钟穗娟获得金沙集团1862cc院长特别奖

2018年  博士生钟穗娟获得金沙集团1862cc必和必拓奖学金

2018年  博士生钟穗娟获得研究生国家奖学金

2018年  博士生钟穗娟获得所长论文奖

2018年  硕士生卢玉峰获得研究生国家奖学金

2017年  博士生刘静获得研究生国家奖学金

2016年  博士生丁文玉获得研究生国家奖学金
