北京磁共振脑成像中心是由科技部、中科院和卫生部联合共建的国家大型科学仪器中心,依托于金沙集团1862cc。本中心装备有中国国内首套专用于科研的磁共振成像系统 — 西门子TRIO 3T系统,以及完备的配套研究设施。
Email: yzhuo(AT)cogsci.ibp.ac.cn( 请将(AT)替换为@,防止垃圾邮件 )
Tel.: 86-10-64888462-103, 13501309642
通讯地址:[100101] 北京大屯路15号中科院生物物理所 北京磁共振脑成像中心
MRI R&D Positions
Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research, supervised by the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is one of the State Principal Equipment Centers co-established and co-administrated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Health. The Center is equipped with a 3-Tesla Siemens Magnetom Trio Tim scanner, the first MRI system in China dedicated to research, with comprehensive supporting systems for brain and cognitive research.
The Center invites applications internationally for the following positions:
MRI System Administrator: 1 person
Radio Frequency R&D: 1-2 engineers or investigators
MR Physics Methodology R&D: 1-2 engineers or investigators
Data Procession of MRI or other Neural Imaging Techniques: 1-2 engineers or investigators
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Research: 1 investigator
Excellent working environment and facilities as well as very competitive salary will be provided according to the policies of the Knowledge Innovation Programs (Phase 3). For those who attempt to bid for “National Outstanding Youth”, the Center will provide strong support.
Applicants shall first send his/her CV to the contact person. Inquires by phone or site visits are also welcome.
Contact Person: Prof. Yan Zhuo
Email: yzhuo(AT)cogsci.ibp.ac.cn (please change (At) to @ to prevent junk mail)
Tel.: 86-10-64888462 ext. 103, 13501309642
Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
15 Datun Road, Chaoyang
Beijing 100101, China