国际微生物学会联盟International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) 将于6月14-16日在新加坡面向发展中国家学者学生教授Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses Course 课程,感兴趣者可以与组织方取得联系并申请参加。详情如下:
The IUMS Outreach Programme has been launched, in support of IUMS mission to enhance the scientific background and professional effectiveness of basic and applied microbiologists. The IUMS is embarking on a program of educational outreach to developing countries and their microbiologists. The Union envisions an IUMS series of courses that will be offered to groups of microbiologists that may include graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and practicing professionals from developing countries within a given geographic region. These will be offered periodically in various regions and on different topics of interest and importance.
The first IUMS Regional Course will be offered in Singapore during June 15-17, 2010, and it will serve microbiologists from the surrounding Asian countries. Singapore is chosen as the site, because of its proximity to the countries of Asia. IUMS will make a contribution to the subsistence of the successful applicants as far as the finances allow. It is expected that this experience will boost the capability of the attendees in their microbiologic work after they return home, and we shall endeavor to forge a network of the attendees, so they can continue to communicate with each other and the instructors by e-mail listserv. Ideally, both collaborative and mentoring relationships will form.
The topic of “Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses” is selected for this first IUMS Course, since this is a prevalent problem of great importance that often compromises treatment of infections in this region of the world. In addition, the exploration of mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial agents provides an engaging platform for the education of young scientists in microbiology, epidemiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics. Furthermore, inquiry about resistance may inform the study of medical chemistry in the search for new agents to replace those that are failing as well as to develop medicinal strategies to overcome existing resistance. More information on the course can be found in our website at the following address: http://iums.org/Outreach/index.html.
Application. Applicants should submit details of their educational background, current appointment, place of work, postal address and correspondence e-mail to the Secretary of IUMS, Dr. Rob Samson (r.samson@cbs.knaw.nl) before the 30th April 2010. Successful candidates will be informed by the 7th May 2010.