Science Advances, 26 July, 2024, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adn0092
Correction of preferred orientation–induced distortion in cryo–electron microscopy maps
Dongjie Zhu, Weili Cao, Junxi Li, Chunling Wu, Duanfang Cao, and Xinzheng Zhang
Reconstruction maps of cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM) exhibit distortion when the cryo-EM dataset is incomplete, usually caused by unevenly distributed orientations. Prior efforts had been attempted to address this preferred orientation problem using tilt-collection strategy and modifications to grids or to air-water interfaces. However, these approaches often require time-consuming experiments, and the effect was always protein dependent. Here, we developed a procedure containing removing misaligned particles and an iterative reconstruction method based on signal-to-noise ratio of Fourier component to correct this distortion by recovering missing data using a purely computational algorithm. This procedure called signal-to-noise ratio iterative reconstruction method (SIRM) was applied on incomplete datasets of various proteins to fix distortion in cryo-EM maps and to a more isotropic resolution. In addition, SIRM provides a better reference map for further reconstruction refinements, resulting in an improved alignment, which ultimately improves map quality and benefits model building.